Printing raster images

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by GrumpyChick, Apr 7, 2004.

  1. GrumpyChick

    GrumpyChick Guest

    Has anyone had a problem when printing to a small printer (eg. HP DeskJet 952C) with an AutoCad dwg with a raster image underneath a bunch of AutoCad lines?

    What happens here is when the print comes out all the Autocad vector lines are fine but periodically, down the page, I get a few horizontal white lines where the raster image did not print in some spaces (note: this doesnt happen with the plotter).

    On the other hand if I insert the JPG directly into the dwg (as in just copy and paste) the image prints fine, however I find it difficult to line up the image with the Autocad lines when I do it that way.

    Anyone know what to do or what the problem is? Thanks in advanced.
    GrumpyChick, Apr 7, 2004
  2. GrumpyChick

    GrumpyChick Guest

    Heloooooooo? Anybody home?

    Ive asked this in another topic in the autocad forums and no one gave a response there either (even after a couple days).

    Is it just that noone undertands what I'm talking about or is it that you understand what I mean but just dont know what to do about it?

    Anyway, if it would help if I attached a scanned jpg of the end result, please let me know, and I'll scan it when I go home tonight (we dont have a scanner in the office, stupid aint it?)

    GrumpyChick, Apr 7, 2004
  3. Hello Grumpy ;-),

    Are you using 2004 or 2005? A scanned jpg would be of great assistance. Off
    the top of my head I'm guessing you are using 2004 and the thin white lines
    should also appear if you plot gradients on your small format device.

    Mike Nauman, AutoCAD Test Development

    response there either (even after a couple days).
    understand what I mean but just dont know what to do about it?
    please let me know, and I'll scan it when I go home tonight (we dont have a
    scanner in the office, stupid aint it?)
    Michael Nauman \(Autodesk, Inc.\), Apr 7, 2004
  4. GrumpyChick

    GrumpyChick Guest

    I'm actually useing ADT 3.3 (same as 2002)
    GrumpyChick, Apr 7, 2004
  5. I don't use ADT 3.3 and I have never had any problems plotting a raster
    image to an inkjet or laserprinter using 2000i or 2004. I don't know
    anything about the HP 9xx you mentioned but could it be that the file is
    larger than the printer can spool? Can you set the printer driver to spool
    the file on the computer and not the printer. Can you add more ram to the
    printer? Are you using a PC3? If so does the same thing happen when you
    send to the system printer directly?

    We use HP 5000 and HP 4100 laserprinters with the ram maxed out at 128 megs
    and a HP 2600 injet with 128 megs of ram. We print raster images daily to
    these printers. As a note, you can buy ram for HP printers not from HP and
    save $$$$.

    952C) with an AutoCad dwg with a raster image underneath a bunch of AutoCad
    are fine but periodically, down the page, I get a few horizontal white lines
    where the raster image did not print in some spaces (note: this doesnt
    happen with the plotter).
    copy and paste) the image prints fine, however I find it difficult to line
    up the image with the Autocad lines when I do it that way.
    Brent Erickson, Apr 7, 2004
  6. I am no expert but this is probably a result of trying to use a HP inkjet
    designed for light home use and then plotting through ACAD. I have a HP
    850C and Canon i950 printers at home and both choke on what I would consider
    relatively small ACAD files. I have found that I can print to a file and
    then send it to these printers and all is good.

    As a final note, you are not trying to use a PCL6 or PS printer driver? If
    so, load the PCL5 and use that from AutoCAD. I am also assuming that you
    have adjusted the print driver output settings from draft to best quality to
    see if that makes a difference. Good luck

    basically Autocad 2002 but to answer some of your questions:
    shrink it to like 45K just to see if that was the problem, didnt help.
    about was to make a PDF and print that instead, will have to remember that
    for next time.
    (please not that the jpg image underneath does NOT have those white spaces
    while in autocad just after it prints) I shrunk this pic to make the file
    size as small as possible to attach so lost some resolution, but still good
    enough to see what I mean
    Brent Erickson, Apr 8, 2004
  7. GrumpyChick

    GrumpyChick Guest

    yeah you are correct in that I'm trying to use a home printer for heavy duty Autocad work but the thing is for some files it worked fine (usually had less vector lines) and others didnt. and hey, I was just wondering if some guru out there would have a solution even for the little printers I got.

    And I really did not try changing it to best quality but I did today and all that did was produce more white lines so what that does tell me is to reduce it from normal to draft and that might do a good enough job?

    I'll be honest... I'm ignorant about the PCL5 and postescript stuff you were talking about but I'm pretty sure I'm not using it.

    GrumpyChick, Apr 8, 2004
  8. You could try going to the Printer Properties (via Start Settings Printers)
    and then choose the Advanced tab (if there is one) and turning off "Spool
    print documents....." and/or turn off "Enable advanced printing features"
    and/or turn on "Print directly to the printer"

    George Drayton
    CD-CAD Ltd
    New Zealand

    duty Autocad work but the thing is for some files it worked fine (usually
    had less vector lines) and others didnt. and hey, I was just wondering if
    some guru out there would have a solution even for the little printers I
    all that did was produce more white lines so what that does tell me is to
    reduce it from normal to draft and that might do a good enough job?
    were talking about but I'm pretty sure I'm not using it.
    George Drayton, Apr 21, 2004
  9. GrumpyChick

    patrick_aps Guest

    To know witch driver you are using and witch language it has, just go to the Windows PrinterProperties and print a test page. The names of the DLL files used will tell you everyting.
    When downloading a driver form HP this is also mentioned...
    patrick_aps, Apr 21, 2004
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