Printing problems, new to Autocad

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by iwasjustthinking, Feb 24, 2004.

  1. My Father and I are trying to learn Autocad for him to use for business. We're learning on our own and are having a printing problem. My Dad needs to pull drawings in to Autocad (usually .tiff files), add his additions to the map, and be able to print them out. We have figured out how to pull in the tiff files. We insert the image to the new autocad file, it shows up on the screen as a white paper with black plotting and text. When we do a print preview it shows it as black with white plotting and text and it prints this way as well. Uses an awful lot of ink on the inkjet printer. How can we change the plot style to a white background with black plotting? We have tried changing it to white, but it turned out white on white, so we obviously have done something wrong. Can someone help us and remember we are just learning? Thanks a lot.
    Stefani Hoffman
    iwasjustthinking, Feb 24, 2004
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