printing on a machine without ACAD

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by longshot, Jan 18, 2005.

  1. longshot

    longshot Guest

    my plotter took a crap.. i called tech service & explained my problem, they
    told me to dig a hole & puch it in. long story short... I have ordered a new
    plotter , how can I make large prints in the meantime.. I called Kinkos,
    they can do it if I get em into jpeg or pdf formats... any ideas how to do
    that? I have volo view & Whip , but neither seem capable.
    longshot, Jan 18, 2005
  2. longshot

    cadguy2 Guest

    Longshot wrote:
    "I called Kinkos, they can do it if I get em into jpeg or pdf
    formats... any ideas how to do that?"

    Do an export command! File export, then window around the drawing. You
    can save it as a BMP file. To turn it into JPG all you need is Windows

    Hope this helps. If you need more info write me @
    cadguy2, Jan 18, 2005
  3. longshot

    longshot Guest

    won't the quality be terrible on the large scale print?
    longshot, Jan 18, 2005
  4. longshot

    cadguy2 Guest

    Yes, anytime you save as BMP or JPEG the quality won't be as good as if
    you plotted right from AutoCAD, "but it's not that bad"!

    Send me an email address and I'll send you a couple of my drawing saved
    this way. Then, you can decide for your self.

    cadguy2, Jan 18, 2005
  5. longshot

    longshot Guest

    exporting the drawing out to become a .bmp file does not recognize the parts
    inside viewports. all I get is the text & title block,
    if I do it from modelspace, I don't get the titleblock or dimensions
    longshot, Jan 18, 2005
  6. longshot

    cadguy2 Guest

    What version of AutoCAD are you using? I am using R14.

    I've never tried it using viewports, but I have no problems exporting
    drawings when in Modelspace. It's how I send sample drawings to
    possible clients. I design Fire Alarm Systems. I actually export the
    drawing, then insert it into Microsoft Word as a picture. I attach it
    to an email message and send it to the client. Works great, especially
    if they don't have AutoCAD!

    None of my drawings/pictures are missing anything. I don't know what to
    tell you.
    cadguy2, Jan 18, 2005
  7. longshot

    longshot Guest

    R2000i.. actually the problem is with drawings someone else created that i
    just need to print for estimating & material takeoffs. looks like i will
    just wait until my new printer gets here
    i bought an HP 110 plus. with a c size media tray that accepts d size paper
    on sheet feed. 1200 x 1200 dpi for about 1388.00... my old 750c plus was
    aover 10k 8 years ago
    longshot, Jan 18, 2005
  8. longshot

    cadguy2 Guest

    Longshot wrote:
    "looks like i will just wait until my new printer gets here".

    Cool, sorry it took so long to reply, had to step out for a while.

    I have never printed a JPG or BMP on anything but 8.5x11, and 11x17
    size paper. I'm not really sure how something might look on paper the
    size of 36x42!

    I actually do the same process when adding pictures to my website, look to the left for a link that says
    Drafting Services for a couple of pictires.
    Good luck dude, been good talking with ya!

    cadguy2, Jan 18, 2005
  9. longshot

    R.K. McSwain Guest

    Kinko's can't do a PLT file? Find out what hardware they are using and
    create a plot file for that particular hardware. They should be able to
    handle it. If not, find another service provider.
    R.K. McSwain, Jan 19, 2005
  10. longshot

    CW Guest

    PDF995. Free and works great.
    CW, Jan 19, 2005
  11. longshot

    longshot Guest

    love the concept, however, it makes my acad crash & then the new PDF still
    doesn't open.
    what version you got?
    longshot, Jan 19, 2005
  12. longshot

    Al Guest

    Al, Jan 19, 2005
  13. longshot

    CW Guest

    I haven't used Autocad in over a year. Probably never will again. Use to use
    2002. PDF995 worked fine with it as it presently does with Turbocad and
    CW, Jan 19, 2005
  14. longshot

    longshot Guest

    longshot, Jan 19, 2005
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