Printing from part or assembly showing some dimension

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mr.T, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. mr.T

    mr.T Guest

    I remember some time ago when I was working on part / assembly and needed quick reference dimension print , I would
    highlight and / or double click feature to show its dimensions and then go to print and I would get print that look
    exactly like what I see on the screen ( showing dimension and highlights ) . What ever happened to that? And who asked
    to change it?

    Anybody knows of any workaround ?

    To me this feature lost 80% usability


    Whom asked to change the way constrains work in assembly that when you pick round surface and axis it automatically pick
    tangent constrain instead concentric how often do you actually us tangency?
    mr.T, Sep 12, 2007
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