Printing autocad projects with attached pictures

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by candycigars, Feb 9, 2005.

  1. candycigars

    candycigars Guest

    Hello all,

    Well basically one day I decided to make an Assembly drawing with a
    bunch of 2d designs and one 3d design. I made the 3d design in a
    different file and rendered. I attached the rendered image into the 2d
    drawings but when I print out my drawing it onl shows the 2d drawings
    and the little border the image makes when you add it. Why is this
    happening? How can I print my drawing with the picture?

    candycigars, Feb 9, 2005
  2. candycigars

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Which printer/plotter and driver? Does the image show in the plot preview?
    Is your plotter capable of handling raster images (i.e., can you print
    pictures to it using non-AutoCAD applications?)?
    Paul Turvill, Feb 10, 2005
  3. candycigars

    daletmem Guest

    Or maybe the image is in a not-printable layer. Check it out and make sure
    tha the image is in a layer that will be printed in colour (check the plot
    style for that layer)

    daletmem, Feb 10, 2005
  4. candycigars

    cadcoke3 Guest

    AutoCAD 2002 will allow you to set a viewport to display as shaded...
    but when it prints it doesn't show the shading. I don't know if later
    versions continue this problem.

    A work around is to shade the object, then using Print Screen
    function of Windows, copy the image to the clipboard. Then you can
    past the image into the drawing, and it should print. However, the
    AutoCAD drivers for some older plotters, such as the TechJet can't do
    images either.
    cadcoke3, Feb 10, 2005
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