printing all drawing file from model assembly

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by bobby, Nov 16, 2003.

  1. bobby

    bobby Guest

    Hi there

    I have a problem.

    When I open a assembly Document I want printing all Drawing Documents of
    there in one time, without open all *.SLDDRW one by one.

    Can you resolve it?

    Is there a macro for resolve my question? and if anyone have it can post


    bobby, Nov 16, 2003
  2. What about a batch plot from Excel just copy your list and paste in excel.
    The problem is this must be tailored to your drawing naming system. If your
    company saves the slddrw in the same folder as the sldprt you handle it one
    way if you save them in a different folder you have to handle it
    differently. I had created one for our system from excel just type the part
    numbers from the part number it figures out the directory path and checks if
    there is an AutoCad .dwg or a SW .slddrw in the correct folder if there is
    one of them it opens it up and prints it. It may require some deciphering
    if I send it to you as is.

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Nov 17, 2003
  3. bobby

    Dave H Guest

    Dave H, Nov 17, 2003
  4. bobby

    bobby Guest

    Is there a program that do it automaticaly?
    bobby, Nov 17, 2003
  5. The only ways to do it automatically are

    Search your whole harddrive for each Drawing with the same title as each
    part this would be similar to the search function in windows. As you can
    imagine it is very slow.

    or you can have it tailored for your company's filing system. There is no
    direct link from a part file to its drawing. If your file system is setup
    well it should be quite easy to tailor to your system, in our system if a
    part is named 100000.SLDPRT its path is
    its drawings path is
    G:\Production Drawings\100\100000.SLDDRW
    as you can see it would be very easy to write a macro to figure this out.
    Do you have anyone at your company that would be able to modify an existing
    macro to do this? If not I could help but I need to know more about your
    filing system.
    Corey Scheich, Nov 17, 2003
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