Print_some problems

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by COVO, Jun 29, 2005.

  1. COVO

    COVO Guest

    I have 200 A4 lists in one Autocad file. Is it possible to print them all at
    once, so i do not have to do it with window 500 times?? Maybe, some program
    wich will recognize dimensions of the same frames in the files? Is it

    Also, is it possible by printing to set number of print copies to one number
    (4 or 5 or 7), so i do not have to select number of copys always again and
    again. I have one project with 2000 separeted pages and i have to print him
    in 7 copies. That means that i must 2000 times select the "Number of copies"
    and set it to 7.

    Thanks in advance.
    COVO, Jun 29, 2005
  2. COVO

    l94 Guest

    Are they in separate layouts? Use Publish.
    l94, Jun 30, 2005
  3. COVO

    Marulic Guest

    They are not in separated layouts...

    Marulic, Jun 30, 2005
  4. onda koliko papira toliko puta window-> pick ;(
    berti the sailor, Jul 2, 2005
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