Print Window at 100%, not at Origin

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aron \(\), Oct 23, 2006.

  1. Hi,

    Maybe I just do not know how to do this - I have looked though...

    I am working on a part and assembly that I would like to plot (print) at
    100% scale. Seems easy enough...

    However, I cannot print the entire part since it is bigger than letter size
    paper, but the feature are I wish to print would easily fit on letter size.
    SolidWorks will not let me print a "Windowed" or "Displayed" part at 1:1
    (100%) it keeps centering the print based on the parts actual center origin,
    which I do not want...

    Simply put, I want to print/plot a VIEW of MY choosing (part / assembly / or
    drawing view) at 100% (1:1) scale, and NOT have SW center my view... I would
    like to choose the center - or at the very least a window to be printed at
    full, or whatever scale I decided!

    Is this a limitation? Is it fixed in 2007? AutoCAD MDT and ACAD LT can do
    this easily for the last 10+ years, what gives???


    SW2006, SP 4.1 (SW User since SW2003)

    P.S. You should be able to save a JPEG or PDF as well, any window/view, at
    any scale too...
    Aron \(\), Oct 23, 2006
  2. Aron \(\)

    That70sTick Guest

    I'm sure there are better ways, but....

    I usually make a temporary drawing.
    That70sTick, Oct 23, 2006
  3. Aron \(\)

    Muggs Guest

    Have a look for Ed's thread called "Print from part/ass 100% tip" on
    September 2nd.

    Muggs, Oct 23, 2006
  4. Tried making the sketch and it does work...

    It should be an actual feature in the software though! This is the type of
    stuff that drives me nuts...

    But all in all a good work around.

    Thank you,

    Aron \(\), Oct 23, 2006
  5. Aron \(\)

    Muggs Guest

    Thank Ed! I'm just a messenger.


    Muggs, Oct 23, 2006
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