print SW-drawings without background isn't possible !!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Paul van Uden, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. Hello, "my dream go's on"
    And I want to forfill it as soon as posible,

    I want to print SW-drawings without background, ( no white, or black, or ..
    , only the model and nothing more )
    or is there a way to print the background as transparant ?
    because i want to draw on a plane area without any sheet form
    and then print it directly on a pre-installed company form
    that is made by 3rd company's software.
    It's working with almost all the software programs but not with SW
    because SW is printing its background over the form and that is resulting in
    no form at all.
    and that's not what i want.

    in (Autocad) almost all the software programs there is the option to print
    without background,
    and SW seems to be more intelligent so, is it possible or not?

    Please let me know if and how,
    or if not ?? why is this left out ??
    or is it an option in future ??

    I have already tried the solution to Uncheck the check mark to print the File print-menu,
    but there is still a white background behind the model, so there most be an
    other way, there must be

    Frendly greetings,

    Paul van Uden (NL)
    Paul van Uden, Feb 16, 2006
  2. When you hit the "Print" there is a optioin for "Print Background" --Uncheck
    it . If that doesn't help---??????????

    Mike Eckstein
    Michael Eckstein, Feb 16, 2006
  3. Lets try that again: "When you hit the "Print" button there is a option for
    "Print Background" --Uncheck
    Mike Eckstein
    Michael Eckstein, Feb 16, 2006
  4. My initial thought was to use a "Custom Size" drawing sheet set to .001"
    Steve Rauenbuehler, Feb 16, 2006
  5. Paul van Uden

    matt Guest

    Really, I think what you are asking for is an alpha channel, or
    transparent background. SW doesn't do this. You could use Photoshop or
    a free image editor like Irfan View to set the background color
    transparent. This is what I do when I set up transparent background
    images for web or powerpoint.


    matt, Feb 16, 2006
  6. I may be missing something here, but how about just turning off the sheet
    format? That way the only thing you will have on your screen is the views.


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    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 16, 2006
  7. Paul van Uden

    schroema Guest

    Are you trying to print just the drawing pre-printed paper with title

    --Matt Schroeder
    schroema, Feb 16, 2006
  8. Paul van Uden

    schroema Guest

    Exactly my thought Wayne, and why I asked my question. I too may be
    missing something. :)

    --Matt Schroeder
    schroema, Feb 17, 2006
  9. Maybe I'm missing something. Sure, I can turn off sheet format, but all
    that does is turn off the border, title block, etc. The sheet is still
    there. I don't see an option to completely turn off the sheet. I only
    see radio buttons to either select a standard sheet size or a custom
    sheet size - no where to select NO sheet size....

    Steve R.
    Steve Rauenbuehler, Feb 17, 2006
  10. Hi there,

    Thank you all, for your messages,
    but I think the only good working solution in this metter is, to wait for a
    better SW

    because transparant background printing within SW, it can't be done.

    it can be done beside the sheet drawing area, with wire and hidden models,
    and to print choose selected area and choose OK in Printmenu,
    and then pul the gray area accros the sheet over the beside drawn, but it
    isn't working anymore if just one view is shaded.
    an that was actually what I wated.

    So I waite until SW gets smart enough, to keep me up!! Hihi
    So thats out

    Paul van Uden (NL)
    Paul van Uden, Feb 22, 2006
  11. Paul van Uden

    j Guest

    I guess we're all missing something here. If you turn off the sheet
    format,which turns off the drawing border, title block etc it does leave
    a white sheet there for visual purposes for sizing the drawing. This
    sheet should not print under normal printing of the drawing unless you
    are trying print it some other way. Even whd doesnt show up
    j, Feb 23, 2006
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