Print sheets reverse order when using SSM

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by F. Gump, Sep 28, 2004.

  1. F. Gump

    F. Gump Guest

    I have an SSM with all of my sheets in order. I want to publish (straight
    from SSM without the publish dialog box) that in reverse order to our
    Is there an option I can check?
    I also want to publish using a page setup override, but it too is coming out
    in order. How can I reverse the order?
    F. Gump, Sep 28, 2004
  2. There's a button that says "Reverse Plot Order" or some such on the main
    publish page.

    James Wedding, P.E.
    IT Manager
    Jones & Boyd, Inc.
    Dallas, TX
    XP/2 on P4-3.4/1G
    Sign up now for AU2004!
    James Wedding, Sep 28, 2004
  3. F. Gump

    F. Gump Guest

    But I want to avoid the PUBLISH dialog box. I just want to use the page
    setup overrides.
    F. Gump, Sep 29, 2004
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