Print rendered view

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by AL-MARAGHI, Jun 28, 2004.


    AL-MARAGHI Guest

    Hi every body..

    Is it possible to plot a rendered view?
    if the answere is yes, how or with which driver?

    I used terra modeler to plot the contours in shadesd color, but
    finally I couldnt plot it..

    Any help will be appreciated
    AL-MARAGHI, Jun 28, 2004

    AHA Guest

    "AL-MARAGHI" <> schreef in bericht
    | Hi every body..
    | Is it possible to plot a rendered view?
    | if the answere is yes, how or with which driver?
    | I used terra modeler to plot the contours in shadesd color, but
    | finally I couldnt plot it..
    | Any help will be appreciated

    Any "rendered" view will be bitmap based, hence lines you see aren't lines but
    series of dots. Bitmap-images and plotters are not compatible.

    AHA, Jun 28, 2004
  3. ----------------------------
    You get best results by saving a rendered view as an image. You can print
    this image by Windows Imaging or some other software like that.
    Alternatively you can attach the image to a microstation drawing by using
    raster manager. Then use PRINTER.PLT to plot.
    Greetings, M.B.
    Martin Blanke, Jun 29, 2004

    AL-MARAGHI Guest

    Thanx Martin..

    That what I was doing..
    but Iam looking for something can plot the view much clear than that..

    any how thanx again for your responding & trying to help.
    AL-MARAGHI, Jun 30, 2004

    rony Guest


    Use right mouse clic on Bentley icon, select Rendering View Attributes.
    There select your rendering type. Use apply for single view or all for all
    view. Now you can print

    by Rony
    rony, Jul 4, 2004
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