print preview in SW2007

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by WormSign, Feb 20, 2007.

  1. WormSign

    WormSign Guest

    Why am I not seeing everything that I should be seeing? Opps! its there? What would have happened if I had of hit the
    PRINT button before?

    Just wondering
    WormSign, Feb 20, 2007
  2. WormSign

    WormSign Guest

    Replying to my own post. Had to walk across the office to retrive the print
    and guess what. It's not complete! View geometry is not present, notes and
    dims and title block are. What's going on?

    WormSign, Feb 20, 2007
  3. WormSign

    j Guest

    Your using Solidworks to try to print drawings ;-0.

    This has happened to me on more than one occasion as well starting with
    SW 2003 or 2004. There is no repeatable reason as to why this happens
    either. It also happens when trying to save to PDF. It happens more when
    I have just the drawing open and printing. Then when you go back to the
    drawing, those views that didnt plot also appear to be missing the view
    geometry. You have to switch the view type to one of the other types and
    then back to refresh the view. One of those bugs that's there but SW
    doesnt seem to GAS about,
    j, Feb 20, 2007
  4. I always make sure to check the box to Convert draft quality views to high
    quality. If you still don't get a full print, make sure that none of the
    views are set to draft, and let the drawing fully resolve before printing.

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 21, 2007
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