print form setup

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by fabiangiroud, Apr 13, 2009.

  1. fabiangiroud

    fabiangiroud Guest

    Hi All,

    I just registered today to this usefull group.

    I would to know if someone has experiences and tips regarding the
    print form. I want to setup the form by default by either switch off
    the header printing or print size. Is it possible to setup these
    properties by default through .cdsinit file for example or other file?

    Thanks in advance,
    fabiangiroud, Apr 13, 2009
  2. fabiangiroud

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Fabian,

    Yes it is possible to setup these by Skill.
    If you are interested in plotting schematics, then you may give a look
    at the schPlotOptions variable.
    There are loads of posts dealing with this matter. A quick search in
    this forum returned the following posts:

    All the above results are answering your question. I've randomly
    selected couple of them to make your life easier :)

    Riad KACED, Apr 13, 2009
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