print and println irregularities

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Alan Rodricks, Aug 10, 2005.

  1. Hi,

    I wrote a SKILL file without any print or println fuunctions, and it
    runs without any errors.
    However, when I include any these commands, it gives me the output
    for the print function, as well as the following line 3 times.

    Pcell evaluation for arprac/ViaPad/layout generated information. See
    layer/purpose "marker/error" shape with property "drcWhy" for

    (1) What could be wrong with my code
    (2) Where can I view the generated information

    Alan Rodricks
    Alan Rodricks, Aug 10, 2005
  2. If you print anything inside a pcell, it doesn't display it to the CIW, but
    instead stores the string that would have been printed as a property on
    a marker layer over the pcell. You can use the Verify->Markers->Explain
    menu and then click on the warning marker on the pcell instance to get the

    If you really want it to print to the CIW, then use
    fpritnf(stderr "blah blah\n")

    pcells have worked this way for ever, in order to simplify producing error
    messages within pcell code.


    Andrew Beckett, Aug 10, 2005
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