Prinint problem in 2004 after changing printer path

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ICFire, Nov 24, 2004.

  1. ICFire

    ICFire Guest

    Sorry to cross post this but this is a better fit for our problem.

    We switched the path that a user printed to our HP5100tn printer/plotter that was printed to in Windows. Same printer but changed from printing through a users PC to printing through the server.

    When we did this the following occurred:

    It will not print the right size paper. If I try to change the paper size it will still print the default setting size. I can change printer and paper size and it will all ways print the same. I can't even change it from portrait to landscape. More or less it won't let me change any settings when I try to plot..

    It prints fine in all other programs including other high-end CAD programs.
    ICFire, Nov 24, 2004
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