Prevent AutoCAD from searching XREF paths for user configuration files

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kudzu_, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. kudzu_

    kudzu_ Guest

    This will take some explaining, but I am trying to prevent AutoCAD 2005 from searching XREF directories for certain configuration files that already exist in the user's local application data folder: C:\docs&settings\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2005\R16.1\enu\Support

    If relative XREF paths are defined in a drawing AutoCAD will look through each of these folders looking for:

    (as well as vlx, fas & lsp files that match the name of custom VBS functions defined in the drawing)

    If the xref paths are remote and you have a fair number of customizations, it can take AutoCAD a long time to iterate through all the xref folders looking for each one of these files. When the xref paths refer to folders on you LAN, this is not noticeable. When the xref paths are folders on the other side of a WAN connection the delay is intolerable. Note, in my situation xrefs load fine (very quickly) over the WAN (as well as the drawing itself) because I am using a WAN caching / optimization appliance. This device is however, unable to provide any performance gain as AutoCAD blindly iterates through every path it knows about looking for all sorts of user configuration files.

    Note: all these user configuration files (acad2005doc.lsp, etc.) exist (and are found by acad) locally in current users local app data folder.

    Is there any way to tell AutoCAD that XREF paths are for XREFs only and NOT to (inefficiently look for user configuration files in those folders)?

    Symptomatically here is what happens: AutoCAD file loads, xrefs are loaded, drawing is generated on screen. After this the AutoCAD command line freezes on 'Regenerating Drawing' and releases control to the user after 10-20 seconds depending on the number of remote paths defined in the drawing.
    kudzu_, Mar 21, 2005
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