Prevent 2004 from changing my LISP editor associations..

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Nick Jacobs, Oct 18, 2004.

  1. Nick Jacobs

    Nick Jacobs Guest

    I give up, time to consult higher authorities...

    I have a different editor (besides notepad) that I use to edit my lisp
    routines with.

    Unforunately, everytime I go into AC2004 it changes it back to note pad.

    Any ideas where I can prevent this from happening?


    Env: Acad2004, XPPro/sp2
    Nick Jacobs, Oct 18, 2004
  2. Nick Jacobs

    Dommy2Hotty Guest

    You can go into a folder (any folder through windows explorer, then select Tools~Folder Options then the Files Type tab. You can specify thru there what program you want to open the files with.

    Something else to check, although I don't know if it's possible, is in AutoCAD's startup files and see if there is something in there that is setting the association...

    Message was edited by: Dommy2Hotty
    Dommy2Hotty, Oct 18, 2004
  3. Why not try the VLIDE editor? It's made for lisp programming.
    Or move up to VBAIDE?
    Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions, Oct 18, 2004
  4. Nick Jacobs

    Nick Jacobs Guest

    The system file associations don't work. They keep getting reset everytime
    I launch ACAD2004.

    It must be some place in ACAD's startups, I just don't know where. Haven't
    found it yet.

    Nick Jacobs, Oct 19, 2004
  5. Nick Jacobs

    Nick Jacobs Guest

    Mostly because I was using VSlick before VLIDE came out. I tried VLIDE and
    just don't have that comfy cozy feeling I have using Vslick. I do a lot of
    editing outside of the CAD environment. Also, I haven't tried to link VLIDE
    with VSS to see if it still works.

    Nick Jacobs, Oct 19, 2004
  6. Nick Jacobs

    Dan Allen Guest

    Dan Allen, Oct 19, 2004
  7. Nick Jacobs

    Nick Jacobs Guest

    Anybody else have any ideas or see this issue?

    I know it's AutoCAD 2004. 2000i didn't change any of my associations. The
    million dollar question is how to disable it.
    Nick Jacobs, Nov 1, 2004
  8. Nick Jacobs

    Warren Trost Guest

    You could always create an "ACADDOC.LSP" file and define the editor you want
    to use here along with any other commands or variable settings.
    Warren Trost, Nov 1, 2004
  9. Nick Jacobs

    Nick Jacobs Guest

    I'll look into that.

    I've never tried to update file associations with lisp. Or any other
    program for that matter. I was hoping somebody would say, it's a line in
    one of the default acad files. No such luck. It appears that AutoDESK is
    intent on resetting my preferences for me....

    Nick Jacobs, Nov 1, 2004
  10. Nick Jacobs

    Warren Trost Guest

    I switch back and forth depending on what I want to do as:

    (defun C:MED () (command "._mtexted" "."))
    (defun C:NED () (command "._mtexted" "NOTEPAD"))

    Type MED to use internal editor.
    Type NED to use NOTEPAD.
    Warren Trost, Nov 2, 2004
  11. Nick Jacobs

    Nick Jacobs Guest

    The difference here (at least what it appears) is that you'll be launching
    the editor from inside of AutoCAD. What I want to do is to launch the
    editor from outside of AutoCAD. Espically from SourceSafe. SourceSafe
    launches what ever editor is tied to that particular file extension. Take
    AutoCAD out of the picture for a sec. Go edit a lisp file outside of
    AutoCAD. Most likely, it'll launch notepad. Now, go set LSP file
    extensions to use a specific program other than notepad. When you double
    click on the file, it should launch what ever editor is tied to that file
    extension. No problem.

    Now, launch AutoCAD. the LSP extension has been set back to notepad.
    AutoCAD changed my default editor for lisp routines.

    This only happens on Acad2004. (I don't have 2005 yet, so I don't know if
    it still does it or not). Also, the situation doesn't happen on 2000i. The
    file extensions are left alone.

    Nick Jacobs, Nov 2, 2004
  12. Nick Jacobs

    Warren Trost Guest

    OK, I see. I just keep another window open with whatever editor I would
    want to use.

    If you right click and pick "open with", then pick the program to edit with
    AND check "Always use the selected program" would this solve the problem?
    Warren Trost, Nov 2, 2004
  13. Nick Jacobs

    Owen Wengerd Guest


    AutoCAD only resets the 'Open' action. Just create a new action (e.g.
    'Edit') and make that the default action for .lsp files. You can do that
    under Tools->Folder Options in Windows Explorer. :)
    Owen Wengerd, Nov 2, 2004
  14. Nick Jacobs

    Nick Jacobs Guest

    Owen actually came up with the best solution so far. The problem with this
    solution is that you would have to do it EVER TIME AutoCAD launches. That
    can be a lot of clicking to accomplish...

    I'm going to try Owen's idea right now.

    Thanks for the help,
    Nick Jacobs, Nov 3, 2004
  15. Nick Jacobs

    Nick Jacobs Guest

    Thanks Owen.

    That did the trick.

    I wonder why AutoDESK started doing that? Oh well, great work around.

    Nick Jacobs, Nov 3, 2004
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