Pretend parametrics

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by G Farris, Sep 21, 2004.

  1. G Farris

    G Farris Guest

    Don't know which release this was initiated in - I jumped from R14 to 2004,
    but in the latter you can take a linear dimension* between two entities, then
    move one of them and the dimension updates! Cool, but just one tiny step away
    from being useful!! If only you could change the dimension to modify the
    geometry - Soooo close, yet so far.

    G Faris

    (* - Might work with other dimension types as well. I haven't tried)
    G Farris, Sep 21, 2004
  2. G Farris

    Sporkman Guest

    The STRETCH command has worked this way with Associative Dimensions ever
    since Associative Dims came into existence. I haven't used 2004 . . .
    are you saying this works with MOVE now or only with STRETCH? Or are
    you saying you can detach a DEFPOINT and move it somewhere else besides
    where it was originally attached using some command other than STRETCH?
    Or what?

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Watermark Design, LLC
    Sporkman, Sep 21, 2004
  3. To do this you need a program with parametric dimensions, like Mechanical
    Desktop or Inventor or ...

    Jürgen Palme, Sep 21, 2004
  4. G Farris

    CW Guest

    Try Inventor. It will do that.
    CW, Sep 22, 2004
  5. G Farris

    G Farris Guest

    I know, I know - This is one of a thousand reasons why I currently DO use
    Inventor and Mechanical Desktop. It's just that now, when I do use AutoCad,
    and I see this new "feature" it makes me sigh, because it seems very close to
    something that would make the program much more powerful.

    G Faris
    G Farris, Sep 22, 2004
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