Press Release: WiseImage 6.0 for AutoCAD released

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kevin breedveld, Oct 13, 2003.

  1. WiseImage® 6.0 for AutoCAD solves the problem of incorporating scanned
    raster data into a CAD environment. This is done by adding native CAD-style
    raster editing and raster to vector conversion inside AutoCAD to facilitate
    revision creation and new drawing production.

    Consistent Software products have always being recognized for its
    intelligent CAD-style raster editing technology. WiseImage 6.0 for AutoCAD
    offers an exclusive set of enhancement tools to be applied to black/white
    well as color images.

    True ObjectARX technology, possibility to use AutoCAD dialogs and settings
    and advanced customized interface in Windows XP style make WiseImage 6.0 a
    natural part of AutoCAD environments.

    For more information see
    kevin breedveld, Oct 13, 2003
  2. Sorry, just calling an advertisement a "Press Release" doesn't make it
    acceptable in a newsgroup like nz.comp or

    Please don't spam, people will hate you and they will go out of their
    way not to buy your products.
    Bruce Simpson, Oct 13, 2003
  3. Still after over 12 years of BBS and newsgroup usage, we still get idots
    like you that have to waste bandwidth trying to be a smart arse.

    The idea of prefixing the subject line, is so you don't have to read the
    messages you are not interested in. This is not Spam. I have clearly headed
    the subject and placed the press release in appropriate newsgroups where
    people are interested in new products and technology and I have not hidden
    behind a no working email address.

    It's idiots like you that are the problem, not business' telling interested
    readers about their latest goods

    Kevin Breedveld
    Managing Director

    Rastertech New Zealand
    kevin breedveld, Oct 16, 2003
  4. Hmmm... a top-poster (I'll humour you by doing the same), clearly not
    au-fait with usenet conventions -- such as the fact that adding "Press
    Release" to the subject line of a posting doesn't mean it's not spam
    when it promotes a commercial product!

    Look Kevin, you're picking a fight with the wrong guy here.

    Do you think it would be acceptable for every software vendor on the
    planet to start posting their "press releases" to non-commercial
    usenet newsgroups (such as nz.comp and so long as they used
    your cute but unacceptable convention of prefixing the subject line
    like that?

    Of course not -- the signal to noise ratio would deteriorate very

    What next, can we advertise if we use "ADVT:" as a prefix?

    Can we post porno binaries if we use the prefix "ADULT:"?

    Of course not. These newsgroups are not for posting advertisements,
    advertisements dressed up as press releases, or porno binaries.

    So, before you get into name-calling, take a good look at your own

    What do you say fellow usenet users? Am I right or wrong -- should we
    open up these newsgroups to anyone and everyone in the commercial
    sector who wants to post press releases?
    Bruce Simpson, Oct 16, 2003
  5. kevin breedveld

    Matt B Guest

    Right on all counts


    Matt B
    There are 10 types of people.
    Those who get binary...
    And those who don't.
    Matt B, Oct 16, 2003
  6. kevin breedveld

    E. Scrooge Guest

    You were politely given some good advice. Instead of taking any notice of
    it, you chose to carry on like the ill mannered jumped up bad tempered Ape
    that you are.
    The (nz) newsgroups are not for businesses to be flooding their damn ads
    into. You're in the middle of a town, but there's no one to seen. Where
    are you? You're either in a Ghost town, or slap bang in a newsgroup that
    doesn't allow ads from Apes who happen to be in charge of businesses that
    should know better.

    E. Scrooge
    E. Scrooge, Oct 16, 2003
  7. kevin breedveld

    ~misfit~ Guest

    <top-posting fixed>

    Hi Mr. Been there, done that, before you.

    It doesn't matter what you put in the subject-line, if it quacks like a
    duck, walks like a duck and looks like a duck then it's reasonably safe to
    say it's a duck. You can call it a swan but it's still a duck. Spam is spam.

    Press Release? Does this look like a press-room to you? Are we reporters?

    First you spam, then you respond to someone who calls you on it with an
    ad-hominum reply, accusing *them* of wasting bandwidth, First calling him an
    'idot' (I hope your programme writing skills are better than your typing and
    spelling skills) and then a smart arse.

    Do you always treat the public in this way? I would assume so by your tone.
    I pity your staff (if you have any).

    After seeing this ignorant and bad-mannered post, then the reply to someone
    who is quite correct, I for one will be avoiding your products like the
    plague and advising others to do the same.

    By the way, if you were really that newsgroup-savvy you wouldn't have used
    an un-munged address that will, no doubt, be harvested by the Swen worm, and
    hopefully, other spammers. wasn't it? That's why
    Bruce used a 'no working email address' but put contact details in the body
    of his post. It's the professional way to do things and far safer.

    Good luck with the business. I sure as hell wouldn't be attacking the editor
    of a well-known and widely-read web site like that if I was trying to sell a
    product. About the only person here who would have been genuinely interested
    in your "Press release", if it had been emailed to him in his official

    Thanks for enlightening us as to your true colours
    ~misfit~, Oct 16, 2003
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