Preparing for mayhem.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rand, Jan 13, 2005.

  1. Rand

    Rand Guest

    Hello all,

    My office is switching to a network licensing system in the coming month. Since I somewhat manage the cad systems here, I will be doing the change from stand alone to network.

    I've been reading up and investigating how the network system works, so I feel I have a decent idea of how the change will work. My question is what can I do to prepare for it between now and then? Such as support files. We currently have these type of files on individual users drives and I would like have one plot style table and plotter list on the new license server. Things like that.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Rand Waltz
    Rand, Jan 13, 2005
  2. Hi,
    we are running this license server since rel.14.
    Works fine.

    To setup the 'standard' files for autocad is not to hard.
    My experience with our network was that the files needed a hard-drive letter
    to be found at that time, never changed since.
    I have setup a folder structure like this:
    Cad-support = main folder connected to each workstation as driveletter K
    Under this folder I placed all our own files in separate folders like:
    XPplotters (plotters for xp based computers)
    98plotters (plotters for win98 based computers (yes, i still have them))

    The only thing you do is:
    connect the Cad-support folder to each computer under the same letter (my
    case K)
    start up autocad, correct the search path for all related files in
    create a new profile, save it to the network and load it in all other cad
    That's about it.

    The main work is to gather all files from all users, no can do with that.


    Since I somewhat manage the cad systems here, I will be doing the change
    from stand alone to network.
    feel I have a decent idea of how the change will work. My question is what
    can I do to prepare for it between now and then? Such as support files. We
    currently have these type of files on individual users drives and I would
    like have one plot style table and plotter list on the new license server.
    Things like that.
    Jan van de Poel, Jan 14, 2005
  3. Rand

    Rand Guest

    Thanks for taking some time to help me with this, I really appreciate it.

    Rand Waltz
    Rand, Jan 17, 2005
  4. Rand

    Jim Shipley Guest


    See the thread 'Menu files everywhere' in the pn.cadmanager group. There is
    quite a good discussion on different approaches to locating files.

    Since I somewhat manage the cad systems here, I will be doing the change
    from stand alone to network.
    feel I have a decent idea of how the change will work. My question is what
    can I do to prepare for it between now and then? Such as support files. We
    currently have these type of files on individual users drives and I would
    like have one plot style table and plotter list on the new license server.
    Things like that.
    Jim Shipley, Jan 17, 2005
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