preferred method of using multiple Xdrefs

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Tom Hanley, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. Tom Hanley

    Tom Hanley Guest

    I need to use multiple xdrefs in the same project. I use one to maintain a
    soiltest database and another to hold a tree classification database. The
    problem is that you can't have two PNO fields in the xdref manager.

    Some possibilities I have thought of:
    1. add fields of the unrelated databases to create one mdb.
    Although it may be possible to add additional fields to the soiltest
    database for the tree data, I would prefer to keep them separate since the
    data is unrelated and we use the tree data rarely. it would increase the
    database size with empty fields.
    2. create a second xdrefs.mdb and rename the file each time I have to label
    something. very clumbsy and easy to screw up.
    3. find a way to path where the project looks for xdrefs.mdb.

    how do you overcome this?
    Tom Hanley, Feb 22, 2005
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