Precise 2-D file import to SWKS

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Support, Sep 3, 2006.

  1. Support

    Support Guest

    ...... "The SCANHOUSINGR1.gxd is the housing part of the scanner
    depicted in the overlay drawing. It is interesting to note that my
    customer uses these drawings as the basis of complete solid models using
    Solidworks. The geometry is simply transferred though exported AutoCAD
    v14 files generated by General Cadd into Solidworks. The extensive
    geometric capability of General Cadd makes the optical layout to be
    easily integrated into the overlay drawing. As capable as Solidworks is
    for generating drawings from 3d solid models, it lacks the precision and
    geometric construction capability when it comes to optical design."
    Support, Sep 3, 2006
  2. Why are you posting this here ?? And why the obvious uninfromed B.S.

    Solidworks is more than accurate enough to model optics. There are 3rd party
    add ins that deal directly with WS geometry.

    And another thing, using imported geometry as the basis for "more accurate"
    solid models is ludicrous. The only entity types that transfer exactly
    between any two systems are arcs and lines. Formula generated curves, like
    those used in optics and airfoils, are reenterpreted by the recieving system
    and degrade in accuracy.


    Mark Mossberg, Sep 4, 2006
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