Poweruser set yet "Failed to update the system registry"

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by NOYB, May 2, 2004.

  1. NOYB

    NOYB Guest

    I just upgraded one of our older workstations to Windows XP.
    After installing Autocad 2002 and setting up the user with Poweruser
    priveledges I still get the "Failed to update the system registry error." I
    have not changed the usergroup's setting. Does anyone have any idea what
    could be happening?

    The only thing I've done differently than my usual setup is...

    1) I setup a default user after configuring autocad from an administrative
    account. When copying the user profile to the default I set the permissions
    to /Everyone.

    2) I copied the appload startup suite portion of the registry from another
    computer so that I wouldn't have to select each one.

    I've setup other computers that work fine with powerusers and these are the
    only things I can think of that I have done differently. I've looked
    through the newsgroups and can't find anything with this sort of problem.
    Someone please help.

    NOYB, May 2, 2004
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