post processing AMS results with OCEAN

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by cyseok, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. cyseok

    cyseok Guest

    When I simulate AMS circuits in ADE, "psf.trn" for transient
    simulation is generated. But this result cannot be accessed by OCEAN.

    Then, I include the following spectre script to create "tran.tran"

    saveOptions options rawfmt=psfbin

    Though "tran.tran" was created, this also cannot be accessed by OCEAN
    command, "v(/"OUT")".

    Error messase looks like the following.

    "*Error* _amsNMForwardMap: argumnet #1 should be a defstruct ...."

    When getData was used, the result is "nil".
    cyseok, Feb 28, 2008
  2. cyseok wrote, on 02/28/08 00:16:
    What version (icfb -W) are you using? You should be able to read AMS results in
    OCEAN, so provided you're using any recent IC5141 USR, you should be OK (I've
    certainly done this - in fact it's covered in the OCEAN class that I developed).


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 29, 2008
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