POP Menus

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by DDAgostino, Dec 9, 2004.

  1. DDAgostino

    DDAgostino Guest

    I know I asked this a while ago, but Ican't seem to keep my custom menu loaded when I shut down ACAD and turn it back on. Can anyone help? Let me know if you need my MNU file to read it.
    DDAgostino, Dec 9, 2004
  2. DDAgostino

    jclaidler Guest

    I have our custom menu loaded automatically with the following code in our acad2005doc.lsp.

    (if (not (menugroup "acco"))(command "menuload" "n:/autocad support files/acco standard toolbar/acco2005.mns"))
    jclaidler, Dec 9, 2004
  3. DDAgostino

    Tom Smith Guest

    It's not necessary (since R14) to use any lisp to force a menu to reload on
    startup. Whatever menu and partial menus are loaded should come back in
    every session automatically. If they don't, there's probably an error in the
    menu. Common things to look for:

    a) Make sure that there are no space characters in the menu file name. Other
    odd characters like & can cause problems too.

    b) Make sure the menugroup name in the mns file exactly matches the
    filename. If it's named MYCOOL.MNS then the first line must read
    Tom Smith, Dec 9, 2004
  4. DDAgostino

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    To expand a little on Tom's post, the active menu(s) are saved in the current profile. If they are not re-appearing in subsequent sessions, you may have some profile constraints of some kind in place.
    OLD-CADaver, Dec 9, 2004
  5. DDAgostino

    Tom Smith Guest

    To expand a little on Tom's post

    Exactly. Unless the profile is being changed on startup, the menus should
    come back automatically. In R13 we needed to forcibly reload partial menus
    on startup, but this went away with the advent of profiles in R14.

    If it's a profile issue, then perhaps the custom menu needs to be added
    under the profile which is set current on startup.
    Tom Smith, Dec 9, 2004
  6. DDAgostino

    DDAgostino Guest

    You were right, I had a space in the title of my MNU file name, internal and external. Thanks guys!
    DDAgostino, Dec 9, 2004
  7. In addition to that "expansion", AutoCAD used to be more forgiving about
    missing/invalid MenuGroup names.

    R. Robert Bell

    Exactly. Unless the profile is being changed on startup, the menus should
    come back automatically. In R13 we needed to forcibly reload partial menus
    on startup, but this went away with the advent of profiles in R14.

    If it's a profile issue, then perhaps the custom menu needs to be added
    under the profile which is set current on startup.
    R. Robert Bell, Dec 9, 2004
  8. DDAgostino

    John Schmidt Guest

    Also, isn't there a 25, (?), menu limit for total pulldowns? It will load
    additional pulldowns during a session, but reopen AutoCAD and anything over
    that limit aren't reloaded.

    John Schmidt, Dec 9, 2004
  9. DDAgostino

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    It used to be 16. Since then I haven't exceeded that.
    OLD-CADaver, Dec 9, 2004
  10. Hi John,

    24 is the magic number. .

    I have experimented with values above 24 and AutoCAD ignores them.


    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Dec 9, 2004
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