poor autosnap preformance

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by CadMasterAdam, Jun 16, 2005.

  1. co-workers and i have noticed autocad 2k4 has very slow snapping
    preformance on some drawings.

    typically snap will apear within a couple or couple dozen milliseconds
    of encountering an entity it can snap two. however with some drawings
    (specifically one set in particular) it can take 3-5 seconds for snap to

    the dwg isn't huge
    and i don't retain view port info when i switch layouts
    my memory is fine.. got lots even when its doing this
    P4 2.8 Ghz
    lots of free HDD space & PF mem

    any solutions? or questions?
    CadMasterAdam, Jun 16, 2005
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