
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rodney Crowley, May 21, 2004.

  1. Does anyone know of a way to join two polylines from VBA?

    Thanks in advance?
    Rodney Crowley, May 21, 2004
  2. Rodney Crowley

    Jackrabbit Guest

    You have to get/save the vertices of the two existing polylines, find the vertex that they have in common, build a new list of vertices, create a new polyline, and finally, delete to two originals.
    Jackrabbit, May 21, 2004
  3. Not exactly. You should read vertices (coordinates) of adjecent polyline(s)
    _adding_ them to the selected (starting) polyline. You may even code in a
    "fuzz factor" of very close (but not adjecent) polylines. Then loop through
    the selection set of plines being added, deleting them after all vertices
    are read/added. In that way all starting pline's properties (including
    XData) are preserved, as if you run PLJOIN function.

    Maksim Sestic

    vertex that they have in common, build a new list of vertices, create a new
    polyline, and finally, delete to two originals.
    Maksim Sestic, May 22, 2004
  4. Rodney Crowley

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Rodney

    There are 2 ways to join a polyline by vba:
    - Use 'Sendcommand'
    - Do it by a function (see attachment)

    Juerg Menzi
    MENZI ENGINEERING GmbH, Switzerland
    ' -----
    Public Function Distance(ByVal FstXco As Double, ByVal FstYco As Double, _
    ByVal NxtXco As Double, ByVal NxtYco As Double) As Double

    Distance = Sqr((FstXco - NxtXco) ^ 2 + (FstYco - NxtYco) ^ 2)

    End Function

    ' -----
    Function JoinPolyline(FstPol As AcadLWPolyline, NxtPol As AcadLWPolyline) As Boolean

    Dim FstPar As Variant
    Dim NxtPar As Variant
    Dim TmpPnt(0 To 1) As Double
    Dim FstSiz As Long
    Dim NxtSiz As Long
    Dim VtxCnt As Long
    Dim FstCnt As Long
    Dim NxtCnt As Long

    FstPar = FstPol.Coordinates
    NxtPar = NxtPol.Coordinates
    FstSiz = UBound(FstPar)
    NxtSiz = UBound(NxtPar)
    If Distance(FstPar(0), FstPar(1), NxtPar(NxtSiz - 1), NxtPar(NxtSiz)) < 0.000000000001 Then
    NxtCnt = (NxtSiz - 1) / 2
    FstCnt = 0
    NxtPol.SetBulge NxtCnt, FstPol.GetBulge(FstCnt)
    For VtxCnt = 2 To FstSiz Step 2
    FstCnt = FstCnt + 1
    NxtCnt = NxtCnt + 1
    TmpPnt(0) = FstPar(VtxCnt)
    TmpPnt(1) = FstPar(VtxCnt + 1)
    NxtPol.AddVertex NxtCnt, TmpPnt
    NxtPol.SetBulge NxtCnt, FstPol.GetBulge(FstCnt)
    Next VtxCnt
    ElseIf Distance(FstPar(FstSiz - 1), FstPar(FstSiz), NxtPar(0), NxtPar(1)) < 0.000000000001 Then
    FstCnt = (FstSiz - 1) / 2
    NxtCnt = 0
    FstPol.SetBulge FstCnt, NxtPol.GetBulge(NxtCnt)
    For VtxCnt = 2 To NxtSiz Step 2
    FstCnt = FstCnt + 1
    NxtCnt = NxtCnt + 1
    TmpPnt(0) = NxtPar(VtxCnt)
    TmpPnt(1) = NxtPar(VtxCnt + 1)
    FstPol.AddVertex FstCnt, TmpPnt
    FstPol.SetBulge FstCnt, NxtPol.GetBulge(NxtCnt)
    Next VtxCnt
    JoinPolyline = True
    ElseIf Distance(FstPar(FstSiz - 1), FstPar(FstSiz), NxtPar(NxtSiz - 1), NxtPar(NxtSiz)) < 0.000000000001 Then
    FstCnt = (FstSiz - 1) / 2
    NxtCnt = (NxtSiz - 1) / 2
    For VtxCnt = NxtSiz To 0 Step -2
    FstPol.SetBulge FstCnt, NxtPol.GetBulge(NxtCnt) * -1
    FstCnt = FstCnt + 1
    NxtCnt = NxtCnt - 1
    TmpPnt(0) = NxtPar(VtxCnt - 1)
    TmpPnt(1) = NxtPar(VtxCnt)
    FstPol.AddVertex FstCnt, TmpPnt
    Next VtxCnt
    JoinPolyline = True
    '<-FstNxt-> not available
    JoinPolyline = False
    End If

    End Function
    Jürg Menzi, May 22, 2004
  5. Rodney Crowley

    Jürg Menzi Guest


    Forget the sample in my last post. This should work with all possibilities...

    Juerg Menzi
    MENZI ENGINEERING GmbH, Switzerland

    Public Function JoinPline(FstPol As AcadLWPolyline, NxtPol As AcadLWPolyline) As Boolean

    Dim FstPar As Variant
    Dim NxtPar As Variant
    Dim TmpPnt(0 To 1) As Double
    Dim FstSiz As Long
    Dim NxtSiz As Long
    Dim VtxCnt As Long
    Dim FstCnt As Long
    Dim NxtCnt As Long
    Dim RetVal As Boolean

    FstPar = FstPol.Coordinates
    NxtPar = NxtPol.Coordinates
    FstSiz = UBound(FstPar)
    NxtSiz = UBound(NxtPar)
    If Distance(FstPar(0), FstPar(1), NxtPar(NxtSiz - 1), NxtPar(NxtSiz)) < 0.000000000001 Then
    ReversePline FstPol
    FstPar = FstPol.Coordinates
    ReversePline NxtPol
    NxtPar = NxtPol.Coordinates
    RetVal = True
    ElseIf Distance(FstPar(FstSiz - 1), FstPar(FstSiz), NxtPar(0), NxtPar(1)) < 0.000000000001 Then
    RetVal = True
    ElseIf Distance(FstPar(FstSiz - 1), FstPar(FstSiz), NxtPar(NxtSiz - 1), NxtPar(NxtSiz)) < 0.000000000001 Then
    ReversePline NxtPol
    NxtPar = NxtPol.Coordinates
    RetVal = True
    ElseIf Distance(FstPar(0), FstPar(1), NxtPar(0), NxtPar(1)) < 0.000000000001 Then
    ReversePline FstPol
    FstPar = FstPol.Coordinates
    RetVal = True
    RetVal = False
    End If

    If RetVal Then
    FstCnt = (FstSiz - 1) / 2
    NxtCnt = 0
    FstPol.SetBulge FstCnt, NxtPol.GetBulge(NxtCnt)
    For VtxCnt = 2 To NxtSiz Step 2
    FstCnt = FstCnt + 1
    NxtCnt = NxtCnt + 1
    TmpPnt(0) = NxtPar(VtxCnt)
    TmpPnt(1) = NxtPar(VtxCnt + 1)
    FstPol.AddVertex FstCnt, TmpPnt
    FstPol.SetBulge FstCnt, NxtPol.GetBulge(NxtCnt)
    Next VtxCnt
    End If

    JoinPline = RetVal

    End Function

    Public Function Distance(ByVal FstXco As Double, ByVal FstYco As Double, _
    ByVal NxtXco As Double, ByVal NxtYco As Double) As Double

    Distance = Sqr((FstXco - NxtXco) ^ 2 + (FstYco - NxtYco) ^ 2)

    End Function

    Public Function ReversePline(PolObj As AcadLWPolyline)

    Dim NewArr() As Double
    Dim BlgArr() As Double
    Dim OldArr() As Double
    Dim SegCnt As Integer
    Dim ArrCnt As Integer
    Dim ArrSiz As Integer

    OldArr = PolObj.Coordinates
    ArrSiz = UBound(OldArr)
    SegCnt = (ArrSiz - 1) / 2

    ReDim NewArr(0 To ArrSiz)
    ReDim BlgArr(0 To SegCnt + 1)

    For ArrCnt = SegCnt To 0 Step -1
    BlgArr(ArrCnt) = PolObj.GetBulge(SegCnt - ArrCnt) * -1
    Next ArrCnt

    For ArrCnt = ArrSiz To 0 Step -2
    NewArr(ArrSiz - ArrCnt + 1) = OldArr(ArrCnt)
    NewArr(ArrSiz - ArrCnt) = OldArr(ArrCnt - 1)
    Next ArrCnt

    PolObj.Coordinates = NewArr

    For ArrCnt = 0 To SegCnt
    PolObj.SetBulge ArrCnt, BlgArr(ArrCnt + 1)
    Next ArrCnt

    End Function
    Jürg Menzi, May 22, 2004
  6. Thanks for the help!

    NxtPar(1)) < 0.000000000001 Then
    NxtPar(NxtSiz)) < 0.000000000001 Then
    Rodney Crowley, Jun 1, 2004
  7. Rodney Crowley

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Rodney

    Glad to help you...:cool:

    Jürg Menzi, Jun 1, 2004
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