Hi: I am new in arx and using vb.net to make an arx application.I always when i try to append a polyline3dvertex to a ployline i was get an error.I don't know what is wrong here is the code i am writing. Try For i = 0 To dtRovPos.Rows.Count - 1 If Not IsDBNull(dtRovPos.Rows(i)("EastCalc")) Then pnt3D.X = CDbl(dtRovPos.Rows(i)("EastCalc")) Else pnt3D.X = 0.0 End If If Not IsDBNull(dtRovPos.Rows(i)("NorthCalc")) Then pnt3D.Y = CDbl(dtRovPos.Rows(i)("NorthCalc")) Else pnt3D.X = 0.0 End If pnt3D.Z = CDbl(0.0) polyLineVertx = New PolylineVertex3d(pnt3D) 'polyLineVertx.Position = acdb3dPolyline = New AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Polyline3d Dim aaaaa As Object = DBNull.Value acdb3dPolyline.AppendVertex(polyLineVertx) 'acdb3dPolyline.me() Next myConn.Close() -- Nermeen Bakr Project Manager Modern Computing Services web site : www.mcsoil.com Tel: : + 202 4036520 Fax : + 202 4040503
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