polyline widths in several scaled viewports

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by frikky, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. frikky

    frikky Guest

    maybe i'm just not thinking straight...but...we have a set of drawings in various scales. in 50 scale for the site, we want the roadway to show as a heavier line so we set the polyline width to .4 , but in the enlarged drawings as 10 scale, it's much to heavy. is there a simple way of setting this so that the larger scaled drawing (50) has a heavier line and the smaller scaled drawing (10) has a lighter line? setting the lineweight gives us the reverse effect that we're after. thanks much.
    frikky, Oct 25, 2004
  2. frikky

    Murph Guest

    Look at using plot styles for layouts.Saves a lot of work after you create
    them and save them in a layout template.


    various scales. in 50 scale for the site, we want the roadway to show as a
    heavier line so we set the polyline width to .4 , but in the enlarged
    drawings as 10 scale, it's much to heavy. is there a simple way of setting
    this so that the larger scaled drawing (50) has a heavier line and the
    smaller scaled drawing (10) has a lighter line? setting the lineweight
    gives us the reverse effect that we're after. thanks much.
    Murph, Oct 26, 2004
  3. Are you using color or named plot styles? If one uses plot styles to
    control the weight rather than the polyline width, you should achieve the
    results you desire.

    Terry S.
    Terry Scanlon, Oct 26, 2004
  4. frikky

    frikky Guest

    say, thanks. didn't think of that. i'll give it shot. thanks much!
    frikky, Oct 26, 2004
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