Polyline vertices to list?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by btlsp, Jul 21, 2003.

  1. btlsp

    btlsp Guest

    (defun pver ()
       vl ()
       e (entget (car (entsel))) )
    (while (/= (assoc 0 e) "SEQEND")
          v2 (cdr (assoc 10 (setq e (entget (entnext (cdr (car e)))))))
          vl (cons v2 vl) )))
    btlsp, Jul 21, 2003
  2. How about....

    ; get list of vertex points from a heavy polyline
    ; [ename] - entity name, heavy polyline
    ; return: list of points
    (defun getVertexPoints (ename)
    '(lambda (x)
    (cdr (assoc 10 (entget x))))
    (nEnts ename "vertex")

    ; Jason Piercey . June 2nd, 2003
    ; get list of sub entity names
    ; [ename] - entity name or vla-object - block, insert or polyline
    ; [filter] - string, re: wcmatch()
    ; return: list of enames or nil
    ; revised: July 10th, 2003 - accepts ename or vla-object
    (defun nEnts (ename filter / data ent rtn)
    (or (= 'ename (type ename))
    (setq ename (vlax-vla-object->ename ename)) )
    (setq filter (strcase filter))
    (while (and ename (setq ename (entnext ename)))
    (setq data (entget ename))
    (setq ent (cdr (assoc 0 data)))
    (if (wcmatch ent filter)
    (setq rtn (cons ename rtn)) )
    (if (= "SEQEND" ent) (setq ename nil))
    (reverse rtn)
    Jason Piercey, Jul 21, 2003
  3. btlsp

    Guest Guest

    I have been playing with picking a polyline and using it as a stretch fence,
    in a modified lisp routine.
    (note it returns a poline point list)
    Occasionally it was not working properly had to offset a polyline then use
    I have also turned osnaps off and back on, this may have fixed it.
    if you have any suggestions let me know.
    Not also i have added support to type in the handle number of the entity you
    wish to pick if nothing is selected.
    run command (c:ssp) for stretch and (c:mop) for move.
    Any comments let me know.

    Guest, Jul 29, 2003
  4. btlsp

    jeff_edwards Guest

    These may suit your needs:


    ;routine to - return a consecutive list of XYZ WCS data from the AcDbPolyline(lwpolyline)
    ; entity refered to by the passed entity name ENTITYNAME
    ; - sample list = (X Y Z X Y Z X Y Z)
    ; - called using entity name as argument

                                           dblELEVATION XYZLIST X Y POINT1 )


    (setq vlaENTITYOBJECT (vlax-ename->vla-object ENTITYNAME)) ;convert to the vla ename of the entity
      (setq vlaCOORDINATES (vlax-get-property vlaENTITYOBJECT 'Coordinates)) ;get the coordinates of the entity
      (setq listCOORDINATES (vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value vlaCOORDINATES))) ;convert variant to list

    (setq dblELEVATION (vlax-get-property vlaENTITYOBJECT 'Elevation)) ;get the elevation of the entity

    (setq XYZLIST nil) ;start a fresh XYZLIST

    ;convert list of 2D OCS coordinates to list of 3D WCS coordinates
      (repeat (/ (length listCOORDINATES) 2)

    (setq X (car listCOORDINATES))
        (setq listCOORDINATES (cdr listCOORDINATES))
        (setq Y (car listCOORDINATES))
        (setq listCOORDINATES (cdr listCOORDINATES))

    (setq POINT1 (list X Y dblELEVATION))
        (setq POINT1 (trans POINT1 ENTITYNAME 0)) ;translate from OCS to WCS

    (setq XYZLIST (append XYZLIST POINT1))

    );end of "(repeat (/ (length listCOORDINATES) 2)"

    (setq XYZLIST XYZLIST) ;ACDBPOLYLINE2LIST returns result of last function evaluated

    );end of "defun ACDBPOLYLINE2LIST"


    ;routine to - return a consecutive list of XYZ WCS data from the AcDb2dPolyline (old style polyline)
    ; entity refered to by the passed entity name ENTITYNAME
    ; - sample list = (X Y Z X Y Z X Y Z)
    ; - called using entity name as argument

                                             dblELEVATION XYZLIST X Y POINT1 )


    (setq vlaENTITYOBJECT (vlax-ename->vla-object ENTITYNAME)) ;convert to the vla ename of the entity
      (setq vlaCOORDINATES (vlax-get-property vlaENTITYOBJECT 'Coordinates)) ;get the coordinates of the entity
      (setq listCOORDINATES (vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value vlaCOORDINATES))) ;convert variant to list

    (setq dblELEVATION (vlax-get-property vlaENTITYOBJECT 'Elevation)) ;get the elevation of the entity

    (setq XYZLIST nil) ;start a fresh XYZLIST

    ;convert list of 2D OCS coordinates to list of 3D WCS coordinates
      (repeat (/ (length listCOORDINATES) 3)

    (setq X (car listCOORDINATES))
        (setq listCOORDINATES (cdr listCOORDINATES))
        (setq Y (car listCOORDINATES))
        (setq listCOORDINATES (cdr listCOORDINATES))
        (setq listCOORDINATES (cdr listCOORDINATES))

    (setq POINT1 (list X Y dblELEVATION))
        (setq POINT1 (trans POINT1 ENTITYNAME 0)) ;translate from OCS to WCS

    (setq XYZLIST (append XYZLIST POINT1))

    );end of "(repeat (/ (length listCOORDINATES) 3)"

    (setq XYZLIST XYZLIST) ;ACDBPOLYLINE2LIST returns result of last function evaluated

    );end of "defun ACDB2DPOLYLINE2LIST"


    ;routine to - return a consecutive list of XYZ WCS data from the AcDb3dPolyline
    ; entity refered to by the passed entity name ENTITYNAME
    ; - sample list = (X Y Z X Y Z X Y Z)
    ; - called using entity name as argument
                                              listCOORDINATES XYZLIST X Y Z )


    (setq vlaENTITYOBJECT (vlax-ename->vla-object ENTITYNAME)) ;convert to the vla ename of the entity
      (setq vlaCOORDINATES (vlax-get-property vlaENTITYOBJECT 'Coordinates)) ;get the coordinates of the entity
      (setq listCOORDINATES (vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value vlaCOORDINATES))) ;convert variant to list

    (setq XYZLIST nil) ;start a fresh XYZLIST

    (repeat (/ (length listCOORDINATES) 3)

    (setq X (car listCOORDINATES))
        (setq listCOORDINATES (cdr listCOORDINATES))
        (setq Y (car listCOORDINATES))
        (setq listCOORDINATES (cdr listCOORDINATES))
        (setq Z (car listCOORDINATES))
        (setq listCOORDINATES (cdr listCOORDINATES))

    (setq XYZLIST (append XYZLIST (list X Y Z)))

    );end of "(repeat (/ (length listCOORDINATES) 3)"

    (setq XYZLIST XYZLIST) ;ACDB3DPOLYLINE2LIST returns result of last function evaluated

    );end of "defun ACDB3DPOLYLINE2LIST"

    jeff_edwards, Jul 29, 2003
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