POLYLINE cannnot be recognized

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by youngman, Sep 26, 2004.

  1. youngman

    youngman Guest


    i got the following problem,could any one teach me sth aboutit.

    FilterType(0) = -4
    FilterData(0) = "<or"
    FilterType(1) = 0
    FilterData(1) = "ARC"
    FilterType(2) = 0
    FilterData(2) = "CIRCLE"
    FilterType(3) = 0
    FilterData(3) = "ELLIPSE"
    FilterType(4) = 0
    FilterData(4) = "REGION"
    FilterType(5) = 0
    FilterData(5) = "POLYLINE"
    FilterType(6) = -4
    FilterData(6) = "or>"
    everything is ok, but POLYLINE" cannnot be recognized,

    what is wrong with my codes.

    thank you.
    youngman, Sep 26, 2004
  2. youngman

    TomD Guest

    There are two 'types' of polylines, POLYLINEs and LWPOLYLINEs.

    I would guess that you'll want to have both in your code.
    TomD, Sep 26, 2004
  3. youngman

    youngman Guest

    by the way , how do you know it,
    i look it up in developer help's dxf files code ,

    there is only polyline.


    thank you again
    youngman, Sep 26, 2004
  4. youngman

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Are you sure? My reference has both listed (note that LWPolyline comes a few
    pages ahead of Polyline, because it comes earlier in the alphabet).
    Paul Turvill, Sep 26, 2004
  5. youngman

    youngman Guest

    thank you.

    i missed it .sorry.

    youngman, Sep 30, 2004
  6. youngman

    TomD Guest

    That is sort of a 'left over' from the 'old days'. To those of us who have
    been using Acad for a while, it seems obvious, but from a newer user's
    perspective, I'm sure it's a bit archaic.
    TomD, Sep 30, 2004
  7. youngman

    youngman Guest

    Thank you too,dear TomD

    youngman, Oct 1, 2004
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