Polygonal Viewports ADT 2004 & 5

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by JMT5, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. JMT5

    JMT5 Guest

    I seem to have a problem that no one else has ever mentioned here, that I have seen.

    When I create a polygonal viewport (in paperspace), and I use the erase command,
    selecting the viewport line with a crossing window, I see that I have two objects
    selected. However, if I do an erase and just left click on the viewport line for
    selection, there is no second object left to see.

    I have noticed this on more then one occasion, and I am wondering what causes this to

    Does anyone know about this?


    Jack Talsky
    JMT5, Jun 26, 2004
  2. JMT5

    Paul Turvill Guest

    If you look closely, you'll see that you get 2 objects when you just click
    on the polygon, as well. The second object is the rectangular viewport that
    AutoCAD creates for the polyline to clip when it creates the polygonal
    Paul Turvill, Jun 26, 2004
  3. JMT5

    JMT5 Guest

    so the rule would be to never screw with it, right?

    JMT5, Jun 26, 2004
  4. JMT5

    Paul Turvill Guest

    .... unless you want to do something like MOVE or ERASE a viewport ...
    Paul Turvill, Jun 27, 2004
  5. JMT5

    Randall Culp Guest

    They are kinda linked together.

    Randall Culp, Jun 27, 2004
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