POLL: will you be getting SW2006?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, Mar 1, 2005.

  1. neil

    neil Guest

    Just wondering what the general attitude/feeling for SW2006 is out
    there....if you didn't need to exchange models with others who bought it
    would you like to give away the upgrade cycle now? if SW2006 contained no
    new features but was solely a bug fix/code clean up over all sp during the 9
    months would you pay subs for that?
    neil, Mar 1, 2005
  2. neil

    grantmi1 Guest

    Most likely unless we buy Solid Edge then I would keep SolidWorks as
    grantmi1, Mar 1, 2005
  3. I stopped at 2k4, and sometimes we regret 2k1+ SP6 that was the most stable
    I remember of. I think our next move will be towards all-64 bits soft and
    hardware. As soon as it is stable.
    Jean Marc BRUN, Mar 1, 2005
  4. neil

    McBurger Guest

    Well they will have to do better than a spell checker to entice me.

    What I would like to see more than anything is better detailing. I would
    like hole callouts to actually work and see hole wizard updated. Then I
    would for sure spend some money.

    With updates so far apart and so many bugs in each release, the motivation
    is going away to upgrade. Seems like I still get suckered in anyway.

    McBurger, Mar 1, 2005
  5. neil

    P. Guest

    Bug fix and performance is all I need.
    P., Mar 1, 2005
  6. neil

    ted.colburn Guest

    I've been asking for a bug fix/ code clean up for a long time. I see
    no reason to add new features when there are so many problems with the
    ones we have now.

    In fact if they don't do this, I'll be looking to some other CAD
    program. -I've been a loyal SW user since 96.
    ted.colburn, Mar 1, 2005
  7. neil

    Gil'Dashard Guest

    And you'll get the same issues no matter what software you go to. They
    are in a race with each and whether we like it or not, new features
    attract new customers. If Solidworks stopped adding features and just
    fixed code, sure it would be more stable, but they would lose out
    against their competition and eventually go out of business.

    Now I'm not saying it shouldn't be better, it should. I think that all
    3d CAD users are suffering at the expensive of the CAD companies
    rushing out new features to "one up" each other. Eventually the
    software will mature and most 2d users will have converted and only a
    few CAD companies will be left standing. Who will still be here?
    Gil'Dashard, Mar 2, 2005
  8. Kind of an interesting statistic I learned at SWW by talking with a
    developer is that they spend 20% of their time working on new feature stuff,
    and 80% on bug fixing.

    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 2, 2005
  9. neil

    Dan Bovinich Guest

    I think that would be a great plan! I'd buy it...

    Dan Bovinich, Mar 3, 2005
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