Polar to rectangular conversion

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dan Deckert, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. Dan Deckert

    Dan Deckert Guest

    Old age & I've forgotten how. Or I went brain dead...........
    8 degree slope & 150 feet long on the diagonal, what's the height @ the
    back? Please?

    back | \
    | \ <-8 degrees @ 150 feet

    Dan Deckert, Jun 27, 2006
  2. Dan Deckert

    Dan Deckert Guest

    Appreciate that Roy. I about had a stroke on your 1st answer. LOL
    I "used" to have a Radio Shack calculator that did P~R & R~P conversion I
    used with a Land Surveyor. I never could do trig stuff but could do the

    Dan Deckert, Jun 27, 2006
  3. Aren't we on a CAD group here? (Not that I mind OT stuff at all...)
    Don't you just draw the geometry you know?
    Michael Bulatovich, Jun 27, 2006
  4. Mine too!

    (My comment was intended to say that I never have to worry about sine,
    cosine, etc since CAD. Once in a while you have to understand geometry to
    lay something out, but I never have to resort to calculation to determine
    the length of something...I just draw it, then LIST or dimension it.)
    Michael Bulatovich, Jun 28, 2006
  5. Dan Deckert

    Dan Deckert Guest

    Aw C'mon Michael, ease up........in fact, didn't I see some postings from
    you on Corel that were essentially the same premise?
    ;-) Who better to ask then here for the wisdom & knowledge? Uhh, you did
    have the answer didn't you? I brain~farted and admitted it! I guess I
    could have went to the Excel group or something..???............

    Relax, it's a whole new day..........Dan :cool:
    Dan Deckert, Jun 29, 2006
  6. Dan Deckert

    pi-ra-mid Guest

    **Guess you musta been 'inside the dog' at the time.**
    pi-ra-mid, Jun 29, 2006
  7. Don't know what thread you're referring to on Corel groups, but I can only
    understand the question if the poster *doesn't* have a cad package at all.
    (My abilities with CorelDraw are so limited that I don't know if I could
    even do that in that application.)

    In order for me to come up with the answer as quickly as possible I would
    have had to draw it, then inquire from the model. I was never very good with
    those trig tables....but I can solve that problem with 2 commands using CAD.
    I even resort to CAD to help me with compound miter cuts in wood. I'm a bit
    of a blockhead that way.

    Michael Bulatovich, Jun 29, 2006
  8. Dan Deckert

    Dan Deckert Guest

    Frankly, I never even thought of drawing it out. I just remembered from my
    surveying days of the P~R conversion and knew it could done in about 6
    seconds. And like you, I'm no good with the trig tables either. Albeit it
    did take me about 2 minutes to draw it out. But I liked Roys solution
    150*sin(8) = 20.87596514....

    Dan Deckert, Jun 30, 2006
  9. Dan Deckert

    Jeannette Guest

    Jeannette, Jun 30, 2006
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