Points Coordinate export

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Pier Dil, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. Pier Dil

    Pier Dil Guest

    Hi people.
    I use WF2.
    I have a model with some points (it's not a CMM file, it's a "normal"
    part) and I need to get a file (text file o similar) with the 3D
    coodinates (X, Y, Z ) of these points.
    Is it possible in an automatic way ?
    Any help is welcome.
    Pier Dil, Aug 2, 2006
  2. Pier Dil

    David Janes Guest

    Depends on how you created the points. If they were created as 'Offset CSYS', then
    'Edit> Definition' will show you an interface panel with a Save button. This will
    create a named .pts file with xyz coordinates in a list for each point. I don't
    think I've seen any other way to create points that will let you save this way.
    Makes sense since you're creating the points referencing a common csys.
    David Janes, Aug 3, 2006
  3. Pier Dil

    Pier Dil Guest

    I have points created in different ways, for instance as intersection
    between curves and surfaces or as a pattern of start point.
    My scene is :
    a curve on plane
    a point pattern on curve
    a axis pattern on points
    intersection between axis ans surface.
    In this way I got 3D points.

    I'd need the have the coordinates of these points in order to drive a
    CNC Machine.
    I hope it's clear.
    Pier Dil, Aug 3, 2006
  4. Pier Dil

    Stu Guest

    From a post I found in this group years(?) ago.
    If your using windows you can export your file to iges, and run the
    below VBS script.

    If your using a Unix system, you may be able to code a similiar script
    with tools like sed, vi and the like.. (any offers?- its been a long
    time since I've scripted a unix shell)

    VBS script:

    ' iges2pt.vbs
    ' Extracts location of points from IGES file and writes to text file.
    ' Requires input filename as argument: iges2pt.vbs inputfile.igs
    Dim objWSO
    Dim objFSO
    Dim InputFileName
    Dim InputFile
    Dim OutputFile
    Dim strLine
    Dim objRegExp
    Dim arrParts
    Set objWSO = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    ' Define InputFile
    InputFileName = WScript.Arguments(0)
    ' Need Error Trap to prompt if filename not provided.
    InputFileName = objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(InputFileName)
    Set InputFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(InputFileName, 1, False)
    ' Define OutputFile
    Set OutputFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("Points.txt", 2, True)
    ' Define RegExp for Type=116 (Points)
    Set objRegExp = New RegExp
    With objRegExp
    .Pattern = "^116\b"
    End With
    ' Process Data
    Do Until InputFile.AtEndOfStream
    strLine = InputFile.ReadLine
    ' If Type=116
    If objRegExp.Test(strLine) then
    ' IGES format uses 'D' in scientific notation. Replace
    D with E.
    strLine = Replace(strLine, "D", "E")
    ' Split by commas.
    arrParts = Split(strLine, ",")
    ' Write x y z to output file.
    strLine = arrParts(1) & " " & arrParts(2) & " " &
    OutputFile.Writeline strLine
    End If
    'Close files

    Stu, Aug 3, 2006
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