Points along a polyline

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by DeadTaco, Aug 16, 2005.

  1. DeadTaco

    DeadTaco Guest

    I know this has been asked many, many times in the past, but almost all
    responses point towards using acadx arx, which is incompatible with
    acad2004 and above.

    I have a polyline, and I need to place a point every 5 feet along that
    line (similar to the measure command). I need to see if a truck will
    turn and hit trees or not by having it follow the polyline as a path.
    I figured that breaking the polyline into points would work.

    Is there a way to add points along a polyline without using the acadx
    stuff? My only idea so far is to have the points follow the direction
    of each segment in the polyline, but when I hit an arc, that really
    screws it up.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
    DeadTaco, Aug 16, 2005
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