Pointing an installation to the license manager

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by pashley, Mar 15, 2005.

  1. pashley

    pashley Guest

    We just installed the license manager on a test server and downloaded our licenses. After installing AutoCAD on one of our test stations (directly from the CD), how do I get it to look to the license manager for a license rather than ask for authorization from AutoCAD's web site. I seem to recall that in an earlier installation attempt I was asked for a license manager server location but I don't get that prompt anymore.

    When I look in the Portable License Utility, it says I have an expired temporary license that can't be exported. This is probably from an earlier installation attempt, before we had the license manager installed. I've uninstalled and cleaned out the registry but can't get a new install to ask for the location of the license manager.

    What's the correct procedure to get this to work?
    pashley, Mar 15, 2005
  2. pashley

    John Schmidt Guest

    You can't install a network version of AutoCAD directly from the CD. You
    have to create a network deployment, (installation image), and create if
    from there. It's all detailed in the documentation, and not hard at all.


    licenses. After installing AutoCAD on one of our test stations (directly
    from the CD), how do I get it to look to the license manager for a license
    rather than ask for authorization from AutoCAD's web site. I seem to recall
    that in an earlier installation attempt I was asked for a license manager
    server location but I don't get that prompt anymore.
    temporary license that can't be exported. This is probably from an earlier
    installation attempt, before we had the license manager installed. I've
    uninstalled and cleaned out the registry but can't get a new install to ask
    for the location of the license manager.
    John Schmidt, Mar 15, 2005
  3. pashley

    Cy Shuster Guest

    You have the "standalone" version installed now. You need to uninstall it
    and install a "network" version.

    See http://www.autodesk.com/activation for the differences (and your

    Cy Shuster, Mar 16, 2005
  4. pashley

    pashley Guest

    Thanks to you both. After I posted I took another look at the documentation and thought the route you mentioned might be the answer.

    Interestingly, the link to the explanation about the three different deployment methods listed Multiple Seat - Single Authorization Code as an option. We've used that method up to this point but I was told by our vendor that that was no longer an option. Or maybe they just said it wasn't advisable. For those of you with a large number of seats (we have 80), do you think that the License Manager Network Deployment is the best way to go?
    pashley, Mar 16, 2005
  5. pashley

    jpostlewait Guest


    John Postlewait
    IS Department
    George Butler Associates, Inc.
    jpostlewait, Mar 16, 2005
  6. pashley

    John Schmidt Guest

    We have a multi-seat standalone license for over 30 seats with a single
    serial number. We still used an installation image for the installs - it's
    one of the options still available.


    documentation and thought the route you mentioned might be the answer.
    deployment methods listed Multiple Seat - Single Authorization Code as an
    option. We've used that method up to this point but I was told by our
    vendor that that was no longer an option. Or maybe they just said it wasn't
    advisable. For those of you with a large number of seats (we have 80), do
    you think that the License Manager Network Deployment is the best way to go?
    John Schmidt, Mar 16, 2005
  7. pashley

    klas.janson Guest

    You can "switch" a stand-alone installation to a network by changing the registry key:


    X- depends on version

    type 19 (hex) = networked license
    type 2A (hex) = single

    klas.janson, Mar 16, 2005
  8. pashley

    TravisNave Guest

    This is good information to know. Is this the only thing that needs to be changed to fix incorrect installations?
    TravisNave, Mar 16, 2005
  9. pashley

    jpostlewait Guest

    Licpath.lic needs to be added.
    or add the environmental variable I don't remember exactly what it is.
    I looked it up [ ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE]

    John Postlewait
    IS Department
    George Butler Associates, Inc.
    jpostlewait, Mar 17, 2005
  10. The error you are getting is likely caused by a setting on your CD drive.
    Try installing the NIW on another workstation or putting the CD in another
    workstation, sharing it then install on the machine by attaching to the
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Mar 19, 2005
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