Pointing a drawing ref'ing a part to ref an assy?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by 3d, Feb 24, 2004.

  1. 3d

    3d Guest

    I have a part file 41008235 that has become an assy to show the raw part
    number 41008205 and the paint number 41000095 together to make the part
    number 41008235 (which is an assy). I already have the drawing done as it is
    pointed to the part file. I want to redirect it to the assy file and
    hopefully it won't blow up to bad (I have 12 different instances to do this
    to). Normally, I save as copy the drawing and part as new numbers, close, in
    win exp. I change the orig file name with an !, open up the new drawing
    number and point it to the new part number, take off the ! and I'm done. For
    some reason, I have followed my normal flow, but when I open up the new
    drawing I get boxes instead of the old "cannot find wanna find it yo self".
    Is it because of going from a part to an assy? I am "form new sub here" in
    the higher sub assy before i do all the drawing and part save offs. Is tha
    killing the part drawing link? TIA
    3d, Feb 24, 2004

  2. without gettin too wild here (i am at home and i have had a few...)
    that functionality is 'broken'. you have to go to the file open dialog box
    and hit the file you want (don't open it!!!) and then hit the references
    button. this will allow you to re-direct.

    good luck with that!
    Irish Redneck, Feb 24, 2004
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