Not sure where this is going to go but...... I have always done plumbing systems in a single drawing working vertically through the building using layer names with a level. ie. 1NPSAN is first level new plumbing sanitary drainage while 2NPSAN is level second level new plumbing sanitary drainage. All you do is configure some menu macros to switch the layers from level to level as well as current layer from level to level. I can't do this anymore because the company is very large with 13 different branch offices and one cad standard system which doesn't support the use of layer names with levels. When I ask how do they do plumbing, they say that they just have all the separate building level plumbing drawings open and simply "copy with base point", riser locations from one level to the other. When I suggest one drawing with all levels in the one drawing, the first thing they tell me is that they cannot have only one person working on all the plumbing drawings at one time as they have to be worked on by more than one person when it comes down to the "crunch". I have broached question of changing the layer names to support multi-level plumbing drawings but have run up against the company "cad standard system" which it appears to be "impossible to change". That is another issue and I don't want to get into that. So back to my question. I have tried to work with the "copy with base point" - "paste" method with some sucess but find it slow and tedious. I have also been told by people from other companies that they xref in the other level plumbing drawings for reference and if no one else is working on the xref dwgs, they use "refedit" to change the other level dwg. This also I have tried but find that the problem is in keeping the same relative view when working in one area. The next thing I tried was creating a drawing with all the architectural floor plans attached and remaning the xref to 1-arch, 2-arch, etc and then attaching a copy of the plumbing from each level plumbing drawing. Now having just said that, I realize that I should have simply attached each level plumbing drawing, renamed the xref and frozen out the architectural or better yet made the xrefs in the level plumbing drawing "overlay" instead of attach so that all I would get is the plumbing itself. Now, I can manage the layers by typing -layer off N (leave current layer current) ON 1* to get all level one layers to display. Then layer on again to turn on the 2-P* level plumbing on for reference. This is not half bad. What I would like from others is any hints, comments or tips in working with individual level plumbing drawings. If you want to work the other way with all the floor levels in one drawing, I can help you with that. Dave Alexander Keen Engineering Co. Ltd. [URL=""][/URL]