PLU, lost license (incorrect MIC)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by liukkope, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. liukkope

    liukkope Guest


    AutoCAD 2005 / Win XP PRO SP2

    I just exported an AutoCAD license using the Portable License Utility. The target computer had accidentally an incorrect Identification Code in the computer list of the source computer.

    In effect I have now exported the license to a non-existent computer. Re-exporting the license does not help because PLU only allows to export the license to the original, and in this case, non-existent target computer.

    What should I do to restore the license?

    liukkope, Apr 7, 2005
  2. liukkope

    Cy Shuster Guest

    Call Support. For obvious reasons, there is no "undo" for an export

    You should be able to run AutoCAD on the source computer for 24 hours, even
    though the license is exported.

    In the meantime, one solution is to install AutoCAD on some other PC where
    it has never been before, reauthorize it there, and then export the license
    to the PC where you want it.

    Cy Shuster, Apr 7, 2005
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