plt files

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Peter Ruehle, May 12, 2005.

  1. Peter Ruehle

    Peter Ruehle Guest

    Customers occasionally send us plot files. Is there anything I can do with
    these using only autocad?
    Peter Ruehle, May 12, 2005
  2. Peter Ruehle

    Cadalot Guest

    Assuming the Plot files are HPGL or HPGL2 Format

    Do a Google search for HPGL2DXF and HPGL2DWG

    You will find there are some free and comercial conversion packages
    out there....once converted into DWG or DXF you can pull them into

    One example

    If the plot file is from a Calcomp plotter there is a freeware CC2DXF


    Alan (Cadalot)
    Cadalot, May 12, 2005
  3. Peter Ruehle

    Tim Arheit Guest

    But don't expect them to be terribly useful. Everything will be
    converted to lines at the scale it was plotted at with the accuracy of
    the plotter. (ie. text, curves, circles, etc. will just be lines)
    Plus you loose all the original layers, etc.

    Tim Arheit, May 12, 2005
  4. if in HP-GL/1 or HP-GL/2 or HP-RTL format, you may view it with e.g.

    if in HP-GL format (i.e. vectors) you can convert to DXF too.

    Norbert Grund, May 12, 2005
  5. Peter Ruehle

    Peter Ruehle Guest

    Thanks to all
    Peter Ruehle, May 13, 2005
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