We have some large 3D models that take an age to plot due to the amount of hiding etc that needs to be done. We need to create PLT files along with numerous other output formats as part of our issue process. This is now all automated but as these models get bigger, the process takes longer and I'm looking at ways to trim this time down. When creating a PLT file, is there any way to force a paper copy of that same plot, rather than having to go through the plot process twice? I don't want to have to start doing any manual processes such as 'copy /B *.plt %printto%' kind of thing which we use for quick plotting of old plt files as this would negate the whole automated process. If there were a way of extracting the plotter path from the PC3 file that the PLT was created with, this would be a simple enough task, but I have as yet to find anybody who can get this data from a PC3. Can anybody give me a clue as to if/how I can kill these two birds with one stone?