Plotting transistor parameters against time

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by spectrallypure, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. Hello all! I am in the need of plotting the variation of some
    transistor model parameters (like gm, vth and the like) in a transient
    simulation, as a function of time. In a past post (http://
    1158a64d7923b3be/679182c31ec4cdb8) Andrew states that it should be
    possible to use the Results Browser, navigate to the devices of
    interest under the "tran-tran" tab and access these parameters.
    However, when I do this for my transistors I can only find the drain
    current "D" available.

    I think I might be missing some switch or option to save these
    parameters during the transient simulation; I would be really
    grateful if someone could please explain in detail how to access these
    parameters (preferably by using just the results browser and avoiding
    the manual creation of auxiliary files). Please note that I am
    interested in the whole set of transient operating points against
    simulation time, not in single points at definite instants.

    Thanks in advance for any help!


    spectrallypure, Dec 2, 2008
  2. Sorry...I really need to search better before asking... I found the
    missing info in the Cadence community forum; here it is for

    SourceLink solution #11003524
    How to save and plot oppoint of Spectre transient simulation

    You have to tell Spectre to save the needed information. This is done
    by adding the
    correct save statement to the netlist. Say you are interested in
    plotting the
    operating information for a bipolar device name Q1. Add the following
    statement to
    your netlist:

    save Q1:eek:ppoint

    To add a save statement in the Analog Design Environment you need to
    create a file,
    myop.scs, and add the line above into it. You can include the file by
    pointing out
    the file as a model using: Setup->Model Libraries...

    After a successful Spectre transient simulation you can now plot the
    results from the
    Results Browser, invoked using: Tools->Results Browser... or from the
    If you are are running Spectre from a command line you need to invoke
    'awd' to plot
    the results.

    Find the results directory and click on the transient directory. Click
    the device Q1 and
    a list of operation point parameters are shown. Right-click the
    parameter of
    interest to plot it.
    spectrallypure, Dec 2, 2008
  3. Just one further doubt: Is it possible to add an expression/output/
    whatever in the ADE window in order to have these parameters plotted
    automatically after the simulations are finished?

    For instance, say I am interested in plotting the transconductance of
    instance M1 against time. Following the method described in the post
    above, I go to the results browser, navigate to the desired instance,
    find the model parameter "gm", and then right-click "new subwin" to
    plot it; this creates in Wavescan the desired waveform and labels it
    "". My question is then, what (if possible) should I enter as an
    expression or whatever in the "Outputs" sections of the ADE window so
    as to plot this transconductance automatically along with all the
    other transient waveforms?

    I was thinking maybe I could I use the calculator to first construct
    an expression to load the desired results (more or less equivalent to
    picking them from the Results Browser) and then pass it to ADE, but I
    haven't been successful...

    Thanks again for any clues!

    spectrallypure, Dec 2, 2008
  4. spectrallypure wrote, on 12/02/08 11:38:
    Hi Jorge,

    In addition, with versions of spectre since MMSIM62, you can now use wildcards
    in the save statement, so do things like:

    save *:eek:ppoint

    See "spectre -h save" for more details. There's lots of options to control matching.

    Anyway, in order to get the signal in the outputs pane, you'd select the item in
    the results browser, and send the signal to the calculator. Then in the
    Outputs->Setup (also an icon in ADE) you can get the expression from the
    calculator, and arrange for it to be plotted automatically.


    Andrew Beckett, Dec 20, 2008
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