I was thinking of abandining the plt files and start using pdf format. I have not had time to tinker with this option and would like to know if anyone is doing this. My main reason being that we send plot files to reprographic companies or clients and it would be easier to send pdf. We currently use acad 2002 and ADT 3.3 on windows 2000 pro. Can you get the line merge option to work? (ex. text and lines in shaded areas are visible) Does the PDF format convert the ctb/stb file correctly? (some of our lighter line weights .001, .003, .005, .007) I was told once that some of these are half pixels and may not convert correctly. The plotters we use here read them without a problem. Are all text styles recognized and print with clarity? Can you customize your paper sizes to arch sizes ie. 30X42, 15X21 for half size prints? To plot to pdf do you use adobe acrobat writer, distiller, of a third party application? I may add to this list, these are my main concerns.Any input would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.