Plotting to Gestetner RW-470

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by 83RagTop50, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. 83RagTop50

    83RagTop50 Guest

    Our company purchased a Gestetner RW-470 plot/copy/scan system. We are unsuccessful producing ACAD 24x36 plots even using the software supplied with the hardware.

    We would like to by-pass the Gestetner PlotClient software if possible, but would be happy for the moment just to be able to get plots out correctly and consistently. The results appear to be almost random with respect to rotation and scale at this time.

    Anyone have any answers for this? The local dealer is not ACAD knowledgeable.
    83RagTop50, Aug 19, 2004
  2. 83RagTop50

    ToniG Guest

    as I know this maschine is shiped with "Plotbase".
    This is an issue that the company that sold the equipment should have setup.

    You should be able to setup plotbase as "Plot Server", so you don't need to
    use the Client.
    (Then it appears just like any other plotter)
    If you have trouble with the original driver, you may try the HP750 driver.
    Plotbase works great with this driver.


    unsuccessful producing ACAD 24x36 plots even using the software supplied
    with the hardware.
    but would be happy for the moment just to be able to get plots out correctly
    and consistently. The results appear to be almost random with respect to
    rotation and scale at this time.
    ToniG, Aug 19, 2004
  3. 83RagTop50

    83RagTop50 Guest

    Thanks, Toni.

    Yes, the Gestetner comes with PlotBase.

    We were told that the only way to plot ACAD drawings was to set up the "server" system with a copy of ACAD then use the client to setup the first plot's parameters as desired (rotation, paper size, etc). Then add additional .dwg's to be plotted with the set using drag and drop.

    When we do this the first plot comes out fine, but the remainder of the plots do not come out the same way. They typically are rotated and scaled wrong.

    Unfortunately, the decision to go with the Gestetner was made by a committee that did not include any of the CAD users. The committee was concerned primarily with scanning and copying. They just accepted the salesman's word that ACAD dwg's could be handled with "no problem". This may be the case, but we have yet to figure it out. And, unfortunately, the dealer's staff appears to be pretty ignorant about CAD.
    83RagTop50, Aug 20, 2004
  4. 83RagTop50

    dlacomb Guest

    We have the Ricoh Aficio 470W which is probably the same unit, along with the PlotBase and ScanBase software. To print drawings, you need to have installed the RW-470 WinPlot software on each workstation so that it acts as a typical plotter/printer. Plot the drawings as you would normally plot any file.

    If you want to set up printing for collated sets for example, I believe you will need to create plot files for each drawing and add them to the print job. The print job is then sent to the RW-470 server for plotting or further manipulation. The key thing we found is that you can change the parameters for each file individually to give you the flexibility you want. You may want to check and make sure that each of your files in the job entry has the same parameters.

    I'm going to explore this in more detail as we now have our 470W working the way it should in plotting from other workstations. Our IT department changed from hubs to switches and now the Ricoh can be found on the network.

    Keep us posted on how this works out for you.

    David LaComb
    University at Albany
    dlacomb, Aug 21, 2004
  5. 83RagTop50

    83RagTop50 Guest


    Thanks for your response. No one has told use we need to put WinPlot on the CAD stations. The only reference was to PlotClient and PlotBase. WinPlot is sort of causally mentioned in the documentation I have. I'll be sure to post what we find.

    We have a lot of documentation about the various pieces of software, but it doesn't really tell how to use it. I've worked with plotters since 1969, but I am finding it difficult to understand the documentation.

    83RagTop50, Aug 23, 2004
  6. 83RagTop50

    dlacomb Guest

    I was partially correct in my statements. The WinPlot software goes on the workstation controlling the RW-470. If you try to install it on the client workstation it will probably stop as it cannot recognize the hardware its looking for. To plot to the 470W as a printer, you should just have to go through the "Add Printer" setup in Windows and link to the printer through the network (ie \\plotserver\RW-470 WP). The WinPlot Client is where you can use and control a PlotBase application from your desktop and send it to the 470.

    I just printed out the latest documentation and will have to read through it again myself. Sorry for the poor explanation the first time around.

    Dave LaComb
    dlacomb, Aug 23, 2004
  7. 83RagTop50

    83RagTop50 Guest


    Thanks for the additional information.

    I had assumed what you meant from your previous message.

    I just spent 2 hours with the dealer's technician. A sharp and cooperative guy - just shy on AutoCAD knowledge. It looks like we may have a malfunctioning unit. He is taking some samples to another CAD shop to see how our plots work on their equipment.

    We eventually will be developing a web application that will allow users to select jobs in a shop-friendly format, then either produce .PLT files for the desired printer or possibly send .dwg files directly to the CFG folder on the Gestetner server machine. The concept is to be able to plot "groups" of drawings from a Windows machince without having to have AutoCAD loaded. It appears it is all going to work.

    I'll post again when I have an update.

    83RagTop50, Aug 23, 2004
  8. 83RagTop50

    dlacomb Guest

    After numerous tries, I'm having trouble getting PlotBase to correctly plot a series of DWG files. Our IT department finally got computers to recognize the 470W on the network and we're trying to plot a set of drawings by sending the DWGs (not PLT files) through PlotBase. We can get the PLT files to plot fine, but would really like to just have user deal with drawing files. We have AutoCAD set up on the server with Plotbase and have set the default plot settings for a plotter (750C), paper size and pen styles. We set up the same for the drawing from the client side. Each time we plot the drawing gets rotated, with sides cut off and odd scaling. I know this should work and our dealer thinks so too, and is looking into the matter. Can anyone out there offer suggestions or setting that work for them. Thanks.

    Dave LaComb
    dlacomb, Sep 4, 2004
  9. 83RagTop50

    83RagTop50 Guest


    We have spent several hours with our Gestetner dealer's tech rep over the past 3 weeks attempting to iron out the problems we have been experiencing. We have not been successful with using the DWG's, even when using their client software.

    We are supposed to get a visit from the Gestetner tech rep as soon as a visit can be scheduled. I'll post again when I have more information.

    My 35 years of experience with plotting makes me believe that there is a software/firmware problem that is going to require a fix from Gestetner. I hope I am wrong, but it sure looks that way at this time.

    BTW, the machines work great for everything else, but this ACAD hangup must be resolved before we can convert our production over to them as planned.

    83RagTop50, Sep 6, 2004
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