Plotting - "Severe Error"

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by BM, Oct 10, 2006.

  1. BM

    BM Guest


    I am using AutoCAD 2004 - plan, no add-ons.

    I just started a new project. When I tried to plot another companies
    drawings, I would type "plot" from paperspace. Then I would get a
    small dialog box that would say "Severe" across the top and "file
    error". My only option is to hit "OK". When I do, the print dialog
    box pops up, I select my settings and hit "Full Preview". I get the
    same error, hit ok, and then I can preview. When I get out of the
    preview, I hit ok to plot and get the same error a third time. I hit ok
    and it plots without a problem.

    At first I thought this was an error in their drawings - compatibility
    issues or something. But now it happens in all of my drawings. A
    co-worker had the same problem and our IT dept had to reformat her
    computer after not being able to resolve it. I'd like to avoid this.
    Any thoughts on what is happening or why?


    BM, Oct 10, 2006
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