Plotting Raster

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by sscharver, Oct 6, 2004.

  1. sscharver

    sscharver Guest

    Help...we are unable to plot raster images...we are using AutoCAD 2005 3D software with Raster. We're plotting to the HP1055cm and can't get a the plotter to respond. It freezes. The plotter is set "in computer" and we tried plotting in "background". Also we tried working in Raster Image and leaving it and plotting in AutoCAD. That only worked a couple of times. We've also downloaded the SP1 but nothing.

    We've been working on this too long. Can anyone help?
    sscharver, Oct 6, 2004
  2. sscharver

    sscharver Guest

    I think I have come up with a solution. I did my work in 2005 but when it came time to plot I went to 2004. It plots just find. Thank goodness unloading 2004 wasn't required this time. Last week I was going to unload it on everyone's machine because everyone now is running 2005 but I got busy I didn't have the time.

    If anyone has 2004 still on their machine and is having trouble with plotting raster 2005 try this. I'm curious to see if this works with everyone else.
    sscharver, Oct 6, 2004
  3. sscharver

    Dennis Hyman Guest

    Have you tried plotting to a plot file, and then submitting that to your

    came time to plot I went to 2004. It plots just find. Thank goodness
    unloading 2004 wasn't required this time. Last week I was going to unload
    it on everyone's machine because everyone now is running 2005 but I got busy
    I didn't have the time.
    plotting raster 2005 try this. I'm curious to see if this works with
    everyone else.
    Dennis Hyman, Oct 6, 2004
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