I'm trying to plot a set of .plt files received from an Architect. They are coming out of my HP1050C in landscape mode and they need to be portrait. Acad 2005, WinXP Pro. I can't spend 0+ on a program to change the orientation of the plotted output of a .plt file. Here's the text file from one of my .plt files. Is there anything in it that could be changed to go from Landscape to Portrait mode? MediaSource maybe? Dave DDP @PJL COMMENT -XES8- by Xerox Corporation Version 9.5.3. All Rights Reserved @PJL JOB NAME="A100" @PJL SET PALETTEOVERRIDE=ON @PJL SET HPGLPALETTESOURCE=JOB @PJL SET MM_MODE_PAPER=BLOCK @PJL SET MEDIATYPE=PAPER @PJL SET NESTINGMODE=OFF @PJL SET PAPER=ANY @PJL SET MEDIASOURCE=AUTO @PJL SET COPIES=1 @PJL SET MARGINLEFT=0.236220 @PJL SET MARGINRIGHT=0.236220 @PJL SET MARGINTOP=0.236220 @PJL SET MARGINBOTTOM=0.236220 @PJL SET JUSTIFYX=LEFT @PJL SET JUSTIFYY=BOTTOM @PJL SET DOCUMENTTYPE=AUTOSELECT @PJL SET LINESCALEMODE=OFF @PJL SET RASTERHALFTONEOPT=ERRORDIFFUSION @PJL SET MIRRORIMAGE=MIRROR_OFF @PJL SET BANNERPAGEENABLE=OFF @PJL SET LABELSHADING=0 @PJL SET LABELSTRING="" @PJL SET RASTERSTAMPID="" @PJL ENTER LANGUAGE = HPGL2