Plotting PDF files

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Stephen R, Apr 29, 2004.

  1. Stephen R

    Stephen R Guest

    I have a directory of about 100 PDF files (of Autocad drawings). When I
    highlight them all, then right click and select print, only about 10 or so
    drawings actually print. When I tried opening all of them up in Acrobat
    Reader, it only allowed 20 of them to actually open (I did not know Acrobat
    reader had a file open limitation).

    Do I need additional software to be able to print them all out at one time?
    Or, just a different way of working with them?


    Stephen R.
    Stephen R, Apr 29, 2004
  2. Stephen R

    Paul Turvill Guest

    I think this is a question better asked of someone at Adobe, no?
    Paul Turvill, Apr 29, 2004
  3. Stephen R

    Matt Pearson Guest

    Hi Stephen,

    Acrobat Reader is hit and miss. The printing seems to be asynchronous (e.g.
    it may print file 5 before file 3) among other things.

    If you are batch printing PDF files often, we have a product that may suit
    your needs. You can download the trial version here:

    Just click on the "Download" link on the left. It lets you view files as
    well as print to virtually any scale. Give it a try...

    Best regards,

    Matt Pearson
    CAD fx, Inc.
    (877) 741-2175
    (810) 732-0085
    Matt Pearson, Apr 29, 2004
  4. Stephen R

    wombat Guest

    if Oce plotter use ReproRog from Interfaces with GhostScript to RIP PDFs to TIFFs then sends them for printing in batches.

    Also supports Xerox but not really tested too well on them.
    wombat, May 19, 2004
  5. Stephen R

    Matt Pearson Guest

    I'm not sure if your post is a comment or question, but you may want to look
    at RePlot from our company:

    It does a very good job of batch plotting PDF's to any device (printer or
    plotter) as long as you have a Windows system printer installed. It also
    lets you view PDF files as well as TIFF, PLT (hpgl-2 only), and DWF.

    Best regards,

    Matt Pearson
    CAD fx, Inc.
    (877) 741-2175
    (810) 732-0085

    GhostScript to RIP PDFs to TIFFs then sends them for printing in batches.
    Matt Pearson, May 19, 2004
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