Plotting Nightmares From VBA! New Attempt!!!

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Steven Craig Basham, Jan 6, 2004.

  1. After reading some past posts regarding plotting with VBA... I have the
    following code. However, it doesn't use the configuration I set up...

    Here's what I am trying to do.
    1. Setup a plot configuration
    2. Plot to a file using the previously setup plot configuration.

    Do I need to assign the plot configuration to the layout object before I try
    to print?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Public Sub PlotDrawing(layoutlist As Variant, mylayout As AcadLayout, myPLOT
    As PlotCfg)
    Dim oPlotConfig As AcadPlotConfiguration
    Dim oPlot As AcadPlot
    Set oPlotConfig = ThisDrawing.PlotConfigurations.Add("TempPC", False)
    With oPlotConfig
    .ConfigName = myPLOT.PlotDevice
    .GetPaperSize myPLOT.PaperSizeH, myPLOT.PaperSizeW
    .GetWindowToPlot myPLOT.WindowStart, myPLOT.WindowEnd
    .StandardScale = ac1_1
    .PlotRotation = myPLOT.BorderOrientation
    .ShowPlotStyles = False
    .ScaleLineweights = False
    .PlotWithPlotStyles = True
    .StyleSheet = myPLOT.StyleSheet
    End With
    Set oPlot = ThisDrawing.Plot
    With oPlot
    .SetLayoutsToPlot (layoutlist)
    .NumberOfCopies = 1
    End With
    retVAL = oPlot.PlotToFile(myPLOT.Path) <<<--- I've tried adding
    oplotconfig.configname to no avail
    If retVAL Then
    Debug.Print "Plot was successful!"
    Debug.Print "Plot FAILED!"
    End If
    End Sub

    One final note: I read something about a .RefreshPlotDeviceInfo and a regen
    before it would 'stick', but nothing I tried seemed to make a difference.

    Thank you so much for your help!!!
    Steven Craig Basham, Jan 6, 2004
  2. On problem is that you need to do the RefreshPlotDeviceInfo *after* you
    change the plot device, but *before* you make changes to the plot settings.

    R. Robert Bell, MCSE

    message | After reading some past posts regarding plotting with VBA... I have the
    | following code. However, it doesn't use the configuration I set up...
    | Here's what I am trying to do.
    | 1. Setup a plot configuration
    | 2. Plot to a file using the previously setup plot configuration.
    | Do I need to assign the plot configuration to the layout object before I
    | to print?
    | Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    | Public Sub PlotDrawing(layoutlist As Variant, mylayout As AcadLayout,
    | As PlotCfg)
    | Dim oPlotConfig As AcadPlotConfiguration
    | Dim oPlot As AcadPlot
    | Set oPlotConfig = ThisDrawing.PlotConfigurations.Add("TempPC", False)
    | With oPlotConfig
    | .ConfigName = myPLOT.PlotDevice
    | .GetPaperSize myPLOT.PaperSizeH, myPLOT.PaperSizeW
    | .GetWindowToPlot myPLOT.WindowStart, myPLOT.WindowEnd
    | .StandardScale = ac1_1
    | .PlotRotation = myPLOT.BorderOrientation
    | .ShowPlotStyles = False
    | .ScaleLineweights = False
    | .PlotWithPlotStyles = True
    | .StyleSheet = myPLOT.StyleSheet
    | .RefreshPlotDeviceInfo
    | End With
    | Set oPlot = ThisDrawing.Plot
    | With oPlot
    | .SetLayoutsToPlot (layoutlist)
    | .NumberOfCopies = 1
    | End With
    | retVAL = oPlot.PlotToFile(myPLOT.Path) <<<--- I've tried adding
    | oplotconfig.configname to no avail
    | If retVAL Then
    | Debug.Print "Plot was successful!"
    | Else
    | Debug.Print "Plot FAILED!"
    | End If
    | oPlotConfig.Delete
    | End Sub
    | One final note: I read something about a .RefreshPlotDeviceInfo and a
    | before it would 'stick', but nothing I tried seemed to make a difference.
    | Thank you so much for your help!!!
    R. Robert Bell, Jan 6, 2004
  3. Steven Craig Basham

    Joe Sutphin Guest


    The RefreshPlotDeviceInfo method call is not necessary. However, what is
    necessary is that you assign your plot configuration to a Layout object.

    Joe Sutphin, Jan 7, 2004
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